Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What do you consider the Traditional Face of a Doodle?  Lets see some picures of your Doodle! Heres mine...


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Rosey and Bandy are such cuties!
Thanks!! This is one of my favorites of Bandit cuz usually you can't see his face in a photo. But he is always looking at me with that sweet face so he usually gets what he wants!!
Bandit is so cute and Rosie is gorgeous!
Adorable faces! Rosey and Bandit are two very good examples about the way Doodles have their own looks and they are not all like a clone!! I think this is the first time I have seen both of their faces close up with the eyes really showing. I wish I could upload a favorite of my Gracie Doodle but my photos are on my PC at home and we are up in San Jose and I am using my iPad. Darn...I am going to miss out on this posting!
Nancie!! You must post the infamous GracieDoodle!! Just save one of your pics from your page. This is the same picture I emailed to you of Bandit, I just cropped it and zoomed in. My phote editing skills are improving!!
Hey, it is a year later and I am back up in San Jose with DH and Gracie Doodle visiting my daughter, her husband and Luna the Rhodesian Ridgeback.  And this time DD has a little human growing in her tummy!!!  Yeah!  So I never got to post a photo of Gracie Doodle last year but this time I think I have a photo on my lap top that I can download.  Here goes!
This is the doodle face that I love!

Qunicy in A Great lookin Dood! I Love His nose and hair...
Very handsome!
Oh, I have always been in love with Quincy!!! He is the "prefect" Doodle!
Here's Lilly!

Lilys Coat Looks Similar to Shelby. You got the look Lily! Great Picture



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