Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
The first happened a few days ago. I was walking Max where I always walk him, where there is rarely any people and I can see a great distance away. I do allow him off leash, when nobody is around, and he always comes when called. So I saw a dog in the distance with no people, and I instantly leashed Max, the dog slowly came closer and I could see it had tags but no people. At first I considered trying to catch it, and take it to the humane society since it was alone and I was worried about it. As it came closer I could see by it's body language and the way he looked at Max that he was not very friendly to other dogs. So I put Max behind me, got out my pepper spray and stood very tall and firmly told him to go away. He stopped for a few minutes, just stared at Max with tail up straight, body stiff, ears up and then finally went on his way. I was pretty relieved and continued on my walk. About five minutes up the way I came upon a man and a woman sitting in the grass. They asked me if I had seen their dog, and I was a little confused and I said yes almost at the other end. They say to me, oh he's friendly and he'll go down to the other end, go into the bush and come back here. I told him I didn't think he was really that friendly to other dogs, and just as I was saying that, the dog comes out of the bush, and he tries to attack Max. Now Max is a big baby, and he instantly turtled, and I got that other dog off him before anything happened, but I was pretty upset. The people acted all surprised and said he never did stuff like that, but honestly I don't think a dog just suddenly attacks one particular dog for no reason very often. Max wasn't hurt or anything but now I am leery of walking there, but it upsets me that I might not be able to because it really is the perfect place for us to walk. They said they go there a lot, should I call someone? I just don't really know what to do in a situation like that.
My second incident, which was entirely my fault, and as disgusting as it was, kind of makes me chuckle a little now. Today my mom went walking with me, and most of you know about my battle of the dead things. Now Max has actually been really really good lately, leaving things alone. But today we were walking along, and he was on the bank, and I was talking to my mom so I forgot that we were coming up to a spot where there was a whole dead duck that had frozen to death. Well Max had not forgotten, he runs down the bank, then back up just as proud as can be carrying this whole dead duck. Not eating it (which is a big improvement) but still so gross. He carried it for a bit, but finally he did drop it for me, and I threw it in the stream, so I guess I can be proud that he didn't eat it lol...and it only took me about 3 minutes to get him to give it up.
Haha well he skipped the cleanup but he is taking me an hour away to buy new hiking boots. :)
That works!
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