Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Meg found a wooly worm today (people in our area think you can predict what kind of winter you will have by looking at them, I never got the hang of that.)  Meg thought it was an interesting creature and pawed it around on the porch for a bit.  I thought it was dead, pushed it off the porch and headed for the yard, Meg did a sharp U-turn and grabbed it up with her mouth and was as if she NEVER heard the leave it command in her life.  I have to confess I am not a bug person and while I can generally hold my hand under her mouth and say drop it, I was not going to have her drop a bug into my hand.  She ate it!  I did not know the fur on them was so harsh and she hacked and coughed for hours and tried to eat all the grass she could.  I finally decided a piece of bread might help push any residual 'wool' down and it helped a lot.  Hope she learned her lesson, wooly worms may be fun toys but they are not good meals.


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Well they can't be BIG snakes Karen. Only a 12 incher or so..... It is only to scare the pants off my husband. Ha-ha he is terrified of them !

Sheila, Now I know for sure that you are nuts!

Oh Laurie.... that hurt. LOL

Caterpillars are NOT always OK to pick up. See my reference next page.

Oh great, but there weren't seat belts when I was a kid either. 

I grew up thinking they were really wonderful. I too have pet them like a dog and held them in my hands, letting them crawl up one and down the other. 

This is a Wooly Bear (top)

Underneath is a Yellow Wooly Bear



The white one can cause problems if a person touches it. Hives, itching, rash. I would think that it wouldn'tbe  very good for a dog to get a hold of !


 The black & brown one is the kind we have here, those are the ones I like. They are very soft and I believe they are harmless. 

I have never heard of problems either Karen. Although I don't think I would want Finnley to eat one ! We have both the brown and black wooly, and the yellow wooly here. I don't know about the white one, and I can't remember it's name. It is supposed to be toxic though.

I think they are too but I don't touch caterpillars as a rule of thumb, a pun. Here' same list of stinging US caterpillars.

Ewww, those are some scary looking things! most of them look like cacti, lol! 

I would not be tempted to pet any of those! 

Karen I thought they were beautiful, and furry, and I'm sure I'd would have be the fool that tried to pick one up. NOT anymore though, thanks to F ! :)  I'll stick to the local Wooly Bears and that will be that !



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