Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yes, they look just like round ulcers.

For the third time since May, Spud has ulcers deep underneath his paw pad.  Perfectly round, scarlet red, and this last one bled. I thought he might have ripped his nail at first.    This happened long before it became too hot so, no, it is not hot blacktop.  He hasn't been on any hot pavement.  I also thought he might be getting stung in the grass?

They have occurred on different Paws so they are not the same ulcer not completely healed.

Any ideas what this might be?  

We have a soak method that helps so I am not looking for treatment but a cause.

I cant figure out what is causing this to occur. 

Allergies? Any illness that comes to anyone's mind? 

He gets either depressed, in pain, or sick with them. Just not himself, but nothing to go to the vet about because they will just tell us to do the soaks, etc.

Just curious if anyone has dealt with this issue


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Sorry for Spud but I have no ideas about this,

I'm having a hard time visualizing what "under the paw pad" means. JD has torn his paw pads off, and there were perfectly round raw red patches where the pads had been, but I don't know how you could see under the pads if the pads are there, lol. 

But it definitely doesn't sound like an allergy symptom. With allergies, they lick and bite their feet until they develop hot spots, mostly on top of the paws, but also in between the pads. There is also some hair loss. 

I'm sorry this is happening to Spud and wish I could be of more help. 

I'm sorry Spud. I hope you are able to find some answers. 

Sounds painful :-(
I'll be following to see what others say. Good luck.

I have no good ideas, RJ.....but I'm so sorry for Spud.  I hope you can get to the bottom of this. 

I have no idea either.  It doesn't sound like a sting to me which would probably swell and or/itch. But ?   Since they are recurring and you can't figure out an obvious cause --could they be the canine equivalent of a herpes-like virus or canker sore showing up on the paw pad? Just guessing. Poor Spud, I hope you feel better and your mom gets some answers. 

I should have explained it different. I suppose they are tears. After all these years I should know this but this year I am not seeing tears in the pads like I have in the past with his pad injuries,  just flat ulcers I guess I am surprised as he is not very active at all this summer. He is almost 6 and slowing down. Finally. So, I cant figure out what is causing this. He is not on cement but he still slide stops like a baseball player coming into home base. We rarely play retrieving games anymore because of the injuries so I cant figure out why more are occurring. 

In this photo I tried to show the area but his are deep so I have to almost spread those toes out to get in there and see.  

Sorry, I probably shouldnt have even posted. Duh  But it it constant so I got nervous.  Alls good now. Sometimes we just need to throw our worries to the net.  

Photo shown are not Spud's round,fat, doodle foot

Of course you should post if you're worried. I just wish we could help. 

You did  :)  You listened.  It's great to have a place to go sometimes.

DK is like the corner pub  :)

This is very true!
Did the vet actually see one of these on Spud? If so what did he call it or how did he explain it?

No, we have not been in this summer. Knock on wood.  

We will have to go though, soon. I found a new spot on his tail yesterday during a bath. Flat, black, funny looking spot on the curl ( sunny side ) of his tail that I would like watched... or looked at or opinion. Heck, dont know what I want them to do.  

So, its probably time.   



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