Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Marissa and Seamus asked me to post this update. They are just so exhausted to write it themselves but they did not want to wait another day to Thank each and every person who wrote words of support and love to them! They both have read every post here on DK and on The DRC. Your words of love, encouragment, and rage have truly helped them.
They also want to thank Jacquie (Yorke - for those of you who do not know she is the Director of the Doodle Rescue Collective). Without your love they just don't know how they would have gotten through last night! You were a tower of strength and calmness and they (and I) will never forget that! There are no words that can truly express how much you are loved by the Matzkin/Tait family!

Update on:

Seamus - the x-rays are negative for broken bones. He just is sprained and bruised, thankfully!

Mickey - seems to be doing better. He is very hesitant to walk near the scene of the accident but with each walk it seems to be a bit easier for him. He was very quiet all day, hiding under the dining room table for a little while. I was just speaking with Marissa and Mickey actually picked up a ball. Little by little…

Update on the driver - still not found but a Sergeant in the Crafton Police Department did come over to their home this afternoon to get more information to update their report. The Police are very motivated and are being vigilant to get this person. They are enlisting the town’s help by sending out a public service announcement asking for information from the public asking for their help. We can only be hopeful they will be successful.

A Reporter with a local paper is writing Seamus and Dublin’s story. It should be in their local paper tomorrow or Tuesday. As soon as I get a copy I will post it.

Again, our entire family thanks each and every one who posted, read and just said a quiet prayer for Dublin, Marissa, Seamus and Mickey. None of us would have had the strength to endure this tragedy without all of you!


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I tend to be self absorbed at times with my own problems and personal situations (at the forefront). As my beautiful wife try's to tell me, you don't realize how lucky you are just look around you!

I am not good at expressing my feelings. I wanted to write Marissa and Seamus and Mickey words of comfort and support and wishes for a speedy recovery for all effected by this untimely and unfortunate accident. All I could do at the time was scour the internet, for a poem hoping this would be of some comfort. I know Seamus must feel as I would, trying to make sense of this and not being concerned or worried about himself.
Sorry, can not find the article
What a terrible tragedy for your family. Know that all members of
DoodleKisses have you in our thoughts.
Adrianne, I wrote a message for Marissa and Seamus.... But, thought you would probably appreciate some support also. As grandmother to Mickey and Dublin, I am sure you are feeling this loss as much as Marissa and Seamus. You are doing wonderful things for those less fortunate doodles, and just wanted to know how much love and support you all have coming your way.
Oh my, I just learned about this. I am so very sorry that this has happened; I will pray for your entire family, you are such a special family which makes it even more difficult to comprehend such a senseless tragedy. So glad that Seamus will be okay. I pray that they catch this killer.
I am so glad to get this update. Have thought of you many times. Couldn't even share this until now. A neighborhood puppy lab that I took in EVERY DAY to play w/ my puppy lab Sunny died in my 10 yr old daughter's arms on a walk one day. We and the neighbor dad were walking the two dogs and Midnight ran into the street and was hit in front of us. He just pulled hard and got loose. The driver didn't hesitate, I saw Shelley, my daughter running into the busy street and just ran to her. She had Shadow cradled in her arms as he bled through the mouth all over her. Traffic stopped in both directions.

Shelley was SO traumatized. The neighbors promptly got another dog, Shadow, get it, and Shadow practically lived at our house, which helped both our dog and the neighbors hearts. We've never forgotten it and everyone in the neighborhood mourned and knew that SHADOW had big shoes to fill. Shelley didn't want anything to do w/ Shadow at first, but grew to love and accept him. Us too and we walked together for the next 12 yrs. until our Sunny passed and Shel went to college.

Our hearts did mend though and I am so proud to tell you that Shelley dedicated her life to animals and just graduated last June from the Illinois vet school and is practicing in Denver.

Your hearts will never be the same. You are now wounded soldiers. I thank God Seamus was ok. I was sooo scared that day, for Midnight and Shelley, there in the street. I'm sure you were scared and shocked too. It happens in the blink of an eye.

The driver was never found. I only wish he had stopped to say he was sorry. It would have hurt so much less. An editorial was written in our paper.

I pray for your sakes the driver is found. Just a little empathy/humanity . . . is that too much to ask of people?

As you say, little by little, day by day. Maybe one day you will be writing to us about a puppy that was meant just for you guys. Not now, oh not now, but miracles happen. Bless you!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I know that Marissa and Seamus will be okay in time. Their hearts are just so broken at the loss of Dublin in such a cruel way and the fact that this person took away the life that he SHOULD have had in his forever home where he would have been cherished and loved the way he would have been. If there is such a thing as a perfect Doodle it would have been Dublin.

I prayed that he did not die in vain and my prayers came true. I know of 1 person in Pittsburgh who read about him that joined the DRC looking to foster in order to help other Doodles in need. For me that is what it is all about - rescuing and saving doodles in any way we humans can, whether it be with the DRC or any other rescue - because it is all about the doodles!

Again, I thank you so much for sharing your story, I know how hard it was!
Adrianne..Oh my heavens, I pray they find the driver or that he turns himself in soon. I am so sorry to here about Seamus and Dublin's terrible accident. Marissa, Seamus and Mickey, I am so sorry for your loss, may you find peace in his memory and knowing that you gave Dublin such a wonderful and loving home...and Seamus so glad you did not get more seriously hurt, and I hope for a speedy recovery from your injuries



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