Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Happy to report that things are much better now. Just like Laurie told me, I've probably gotten used to the "new normal".  Auggie is one happy boy that loves to follow his big brother everywhere and bite his ears, neck, and tail. Poor Monty seems to enjoy it and lets the little rascal get away with almost everything. We have not had any more accidents in the house for few days (knock on wood), but we are still not trusting Auggie. Just watching him closely. He learned the sit and down commands, he is laying down when his food is being prepared. Loves the backyard and running through all the bushes where his big brother can't fit. Two more weeks until his second round of shots and then we will start a puppy socialization class so that he learns to play with puppies his age. I think Auggie is a keeper. :-)


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:)   Awww!  Yippie. I remember going through this with my own human babies!  I thought the experience was rather RUDE!   I even remember wanting to SMACK people who congratulated me on the new babies.  Hormones, I blamed it on. Whatever it was, I knew I was exhausted and not happy.  It passes

So glad you told your story though. I think many want to express this, but  can't for fear of backlash or they are ashamed with their feelings.

We all love you!  Hey, BTW--CONGRATULATIONS

Don't push is, Joanne, or I might still smack you. Somebody hit me over the head when I start talking about adding a third one.

:)  OUCH

Ha ha - really, why on earth, oh you are talking about adding a third doodle - ha ha, don't worry we (well some) will talk you off the tight rope.

Jarka,   So happy to hear things are settling down.....time seems to take care of most problems.   Auggie is simply adorable!  Hope each day gets easier - I'm already looking forward to hearing your next report!

Hooray for you!  I'm so glad. Auggie is just adorable and your last video of Monty teaching Auggie to dig had me in stitches.  But thank you for being honest and for reminding us that two are not easier than one. :) I think you're blessed with these two though!  Looking forward to many more stories about the boys...

Isn't this the BEST place to vent - EVERYONE understands and you get the support until you're back on track!  I love posts like yours - it shows that we're not all perfect and doodles are also "sometimes" not perfect!!!!!

Jarka,   I'm sorry I missed your post on "Ramblings of a very tired puppy owner," but I went back and just read it now.  The little guy was giving you quite a workout and I'm glad to hear that it is getting better.  It is difficult, if not impossible, not to compare dogs or kids, or for that matter always be able to think they are normal. I'm guilty of comparing and can only say that it is probably a good thing that I only had one human kid and a few fur kids, instead of the other way around!  I'm happy to hear that it is getting better!

Jarka, Auggie is getting so big so fast. It must be great seeing them play together. I am so happy for you all.

So glad to hear that Auggie finally got you trained, Jarka. :-D

LOL, yup, I'm getting there.

Auggie is so cute! I'm so glad it's going well for you! Life is better with two doodles!



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