Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Julie and I live just north of Spokane, WA. I currently waiting for a Goldendoodle girl. We should be able to bring her home in 3 weeks. The wait feels like forever. I'm glad I found this site!

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Welcome to DK.

Welcome! This is a great site!!

Welcome!  Can't wait to see photos.  Did you pick a name yet?

Yes we did. Her name will be Ellie. I'll register her with AKC as a companion dog so that we can enter rally and agility shows as Eleanor Rosagirl after Eleanor Roosevelt. When we figure out which pup is ours I'll be sure to post pictures.

Welcome to DoodleKisses - the best website for doodle lovers everywhere.  I grew up in Green Bluff and I know you know where that is.  My phantom goldendoodle was from a breeder in Deer Park, and I know you know where that is also.  I am getting a sheepadoodle from the same breeder in July.  It is hard to wait, but the wait is worth it.  This time we are driving up to Washington to pick up our puppy since it is the middle of summer.  We just might run into you up there.  Enjoy your new puppy.  I think goldendoodles are the best breed ever.

Welcome to doodlekisses and to new dog ownership!

Congrats!  Looking forward to seeing lots of photos of your little Ellie.  When you get a chance check out the groups on the main page and join as many as you like.  I think there is a group for goldendoodles.  Many new puppy owners join the Puppy Madness group, Food group and &Grooming Group.  Welcome to DK!

Welcome Julie and Ellie! Enjoy your new puppy once she's home. Doodles are such a wonderful addition to a family :-)

Welcome. Be sure to join the Puppy Madness and Nutrition groups.  Do you have a picture of your pup to be?

One of these is Ellie. Next weekend is choosing day but I pick last so whichever girl is left is mine.

How can you possibly go wrong ;-)

That would be one tough decision to be first.



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