Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


I'm new to the forum. We have an 11-week-old miniature goldendoodle. He's been pretty good about sleeping - in until about 5:30 a.m. Some nights he wakes up earlier (like last night) at 4 a.m. We'll take him out for a potty break, put him back in his crate - and he will bark for 2+ hours straight.

Any suggestions? I've read he has to learn how to go back to sleep or calm himself in the middle of the night.

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Welcome Kari! I'm sure others will say the same things but does he sleep in a crate? If so, I suggest covering it with towels so it's dark and homey. It works well for Ellie and she's now 16 weeks old. I also put toys in the crate so she's occupied when she wakes up. Good luck!
Ditto on the blanket Christine suggests below. Also, do you have a sound machine? Peri is 16 weeks and still uses hers anytime she is in the crate. It soothes her.
You might also want to post on "Puppy Madness" group.
Hi Kari, did you try giving a toy when you first put your pup in it's crate, I will also tell my dogs "No Bark, go back to sleep". I also would not add the toy in the middle of the night or the pup might think if I wake up every night now I get this treat and get to play with toys. Some will cover their crates, this never worked for me, my dogs always pulled the cover into their There are also toys you can get to comfort your dog while in its crate.
In addition to the above...if you can put in ear plugs and ignore him that is ideal. He'll learn to settle pretty soon and won't need such an early potty break after his bladder gets stronger.

Is his crate close to your bed? That might help...maybe a night light to help him see you. Or that might make things'll have to experiment.

In any case he should be OK with time and learn to chill in there. If he does well in the crate UNTIL then it sounds like he's just bored and wants freedom...but he has to learn that doesn't happen till you decide it's wake-up time.

What you don't want to do is talk to him or give him attention during that crying/barking time.

Maybe put in a tee shirt of yours with him for comfort since it smells like you.
Welcome Kari, I have a gd also that has a problem with sleeping too...He is not quite 4 mos old, but he is a terrible night sleeper. I walk him around 11-12, at night and put him in his crate, he will settle down and maybe sleep for 2-3 hrs, and then the crying and barking starts. We have been getting up and taking him out and he will pee and poop again. I do not give him water after dinner, maybe an ice cube, but he still will get up. When we put him back in his crate, he will fuss, but then settles down after some crying and barking again. I talked to the vet tech yesterday, and she said that he had us trained very well, and she is right. He can hold it during the day, so there is no reason he can't at night. Just like a kid that gets up for a bottle, it becomes a habit. So last night I put him in at 11:30 P.M. after walking him, and he barked for a few minutes, then calmed down. We heard him at around 3, but we did not get up with him. He was carrying on, but then it got quiet and we heard him again about 6:15 am. My husband got up and walked him, and said that his mat in the crate was wet, so he didn't pee with that walk but he did poop. So I think that it will take a few days, and he will have to get used to the idea, that nighttime is sleep time...I do keep all his favorite toys in his crate with him, and I make sure that the room is dark, I thought that he may be seeing the light with the dawn, but there is no light at 3:30 am, lol, so it will be a test of wills, but I am determined that I am the alpha, not him...I also tell him everytime that I put him in at night, that it is sleeptime, and I will see him in the morning...Let me know if u have any other suggestions...I am open to anything that will get him to sleep thru the night....Again welcome to a great board...,,,Cheryl
Our pup is 10 weeks old and she just started sleeping until between 5 and 6 am. Adding to what everyone else has said, can I suggest throwing in a few of your dirty clothes...that seemed to really help Gidget. She is actually now taking her naps in her crate without being prompted to go in. I just threw a pile of dirty clothes in there cause they had our scent on them and she loves it, she snuggles up right on them! I also have her crate at the bottom of our bed and purchased a cheap $15 crate cover from Walmart. Hope that helps!

Oops I see that Adina already suggested throwing a shirt in...I went with a whole pile, LOL! Only cause she loves to sleep on top of heaps of things, LOL!
Hi all,

Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, we've done much of that already (putting toys in the crate, putting an old T-shirt in the crate, even a ticking alarm clock). It's not every night he wakes up at 4 a.m. - but when he does, he refuses to go back to sleep (and 2 hours is a lot of barking time).

One thought we had is that maybe he's hungry - and we're not feeding him enough. Would that make sense?
Is he in your room? Peri started out in our room, but made too much noise. She knew it got our attention. As soon as we moved her to the office (next door to our bedroom), she slept the whole night through. It is like she knew we couldn't hear her and weren't going to come get her or talk to her. She sleeps from 10 to 6:30 a.m. now. Just another suggestion.
How much is he eating? If you are giving the recommended amount, he should be okay (unless you feed him way too early for his final "dinner").
And the sound machine is a little more soothing than the clock I think. I got ours from Target and it has ocean waves, white noise, and others that lull her to sleep. Just a thought.
I know it is frustrating. It will get better, it might take some time.
Maybe he's hungry? They are like babies. They cry when they are hungry or need to go. I just went through this. Waking up at different hours when he is that young is normal. But, the barking is another issue. I would try laying down next to the crate for a few minutes until he settles down. The next couple of months are the toughest.
Hello Kari,

I have a GD who is going through the same thing...she's 8,5 wks old. Most nights she'll sleep until 4-5 AM, but the last few nights she's been waking up about every 2 hrs. I take her out potty, then when I put her back in her crate she starts barking. I've gotten her out a few times to keep her from waking everyone in the house. I know this could turn into a problem for us. Tonight I'm going to try feeding her late. I think she wakes up hungry--she's a big eater! :) Last night when she started barking, I let her out of her crate and shut the bedroom door and she fell a sleep beside the bed and didn't bark anymore, but of course she pottied in the floor...Good Luck!!!

Your GD is beautiful!! I love the white marks on her face!!!!!

I haven't read all the suggestions, but these have always worked with our dogs over the years.........

> cover the crate w/a sheet or blanket for darkness
> white noise like: a fan, dishwasher or air filter
> radio
> A shake can works when all else fails



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