Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am just curious....both of my f1 Golden Doodles have the webbed feet, that they obviously got from the water loving retriever in the f1b, etc, also have the webbed feet? either I think too much or I am just trying to make conversation with my favorite people....Doodle owners!!!

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I have an F1B labradoodle and she has webbed feet. She was introduced to water last summer when she was just a baby and she seemed to enjoy it, but we look forward to this summer when she's a little bit bigger and can have some more fun!
Oski is an F1 & also has webbed feet. He LOVES swimming! It doesn't matter what temperature it is. When he was 6-8 mo old last winter he would go swimming in Lake Washington in Seattle during the snow! Crazy doodle, LOL
Willson has webbed feet also he likes the water I will have to really wait until this summer if it ever comes to find out how much he likes the water, we really didn't get that much of a opportunity last summer when was that again

I want SPRING !!!!
Both of my doodles have webbed feet. One seems to like the water okay, but one swims in our pool daily until our weather gets really cold. He swam in December when the nights got down to 26 degrees. Joe is the doodle who likes to swim. He will do a couple of laps and then get out of the pool. Sometimes he will get in at least twice a day. He also likes to ride on an inflatable behind a boat.



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