Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

my 4 month old mini goldendoodle is soooo picky!!!

We have tried, taste of the wild, sold gold wolf club, and the petco brand "whole hearted" 

what do we try now?!


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Hi Ricki,
We have a very large, very active group here on DK called The Food Group, where we have a list of recommended food brands. Mostof the brands you have mentioned are not included for many reasons, all of which you can find in the group. We have dozens of discussions about dealing with picky eaters, and advice on every aspect of feeding your pup. Please join us. 
Here is my favorite discussion about picky eaters:;
Please read it, you will have a lightbulb moment, lol. By changing food often and searching for one she likes, you may actually be making matters worse. :)
You will find that dealing with picky eaters is not so much about finding a food they like as it is about how you feed. Of course, you also want to be feeding a formula that has the right macronutrient balance and one that comes from a reoutable company that doesn;t out source their ingredients. 
Lots more help and advice in TFG. 



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