Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just wondering if your doodle have siblings that are not Doodles? What pets do you have that are not doodle? How do they get along with your doodle?  What made your decide on the other pets vs your doodle?


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Disney's Sleeping Beauty.  I used to watch this scene from sleeping beauty over and over again when I was 6 years old.  I told my mom then that I'm gonna live like this when i grow up. Now my house is like a zoo. And Yes my animals are like disney characters one even talks LOL

My aunt and uncle had a parrot named Hamlet. He had a fairly high vocabulary for a bird. Much to my aunts dismay my uncle taught him a couple of curse words.

What kind of parrot was it? 

I don't know, if I remember correctly it was colorful. It was a long time ago, like 30 years. They lived in Palm Springs and also had a huge tortoise, and 2 small pigs in addition to my aunts yorkie who was her baby. My aunt loved animals. I think if my uncle had died first she would have acquired even more.

I LOVE Disney!

I have a cat as well. His name is Jack and we adopted him from the shelter when he was only a year or so old and have had him for almost 7 years. He is currently cautious about our puppy Cheddar. But I am hopeful they will have an amicable relationship. For now Cheddar is only allowed in the front of the house and Jack gets to roam at will. Which means he spends most of his time in the bedrooms where Cheddar cannot go.

Years ago I had a golden retriever that I got from the shelter. When my daughter moved back home after college she brought with her a cat from the shelter. They became best buddies. They slept together and played together. It was pretty cute. When my daughter moved out, she had to leave the cat there was no way we could separate them.

Your cat is beautiful, especially his eyes.

I wished my pets did that but the pug and Pomeranian cuddle and that's about it.
Thank you, I hope that our dog and cat will learn to enjoy each others company like yours did. My parents dog would defend their cats from the other neighborhood cats. Their cats would strut around like they were tough stuff because the blue heeler was their body guard. So I always hoped that when we got a dog that Jack would be ok with it. I guess time will tell.
Wow beautiful cat and gorgeous photo.
Thank you, my husband took this picture. It's one of my favorites of Jack.

Beautiful! Is he a Ragdoll mix? I they had a doodle sibling calendar, he would be in it!



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