Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lately there have been lots of discussion about the mixes in our doodles and then trying to guess what kind of puppy it is that Linda (Linda and Murphy) found themselves caring for.

I was watching a recent episode of the Dog Whisperer and they had this cute little fellow, who just happened to have his DNA tested. I thought it might be fun for you to guess what his pedigree is. There are 4 breeds in the mix, one of which is really unexpected. Take your best guess and see how close you can come. Sorry, there is no prize for being the winner, just the satisfaction of knowing you are right. If anyone can get three of the four you are a genius. The pics were taken from the TV so not the greatest quality.

I will post the answer in a couple of days. Get your thinking caps on!

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Come on Donna...if you are going to make us guess, you have to continue to give us feedback!  This is FUN!  :-)
Pekinese, Golden
Golden is correct, no Pekinese.
Could be a bulldog in there.
No bull dog.

Any Newfie in him?

No Newfie.
Eye, coat, size and body type suggest Cocker or Wheaten, bracheocephalic or short face suggest Pug, Pekinese, Shi tzu, Lhasa or some bully breed ......Ears suggest possibly Wheaten or Schnauzer.......Who knows?...Maybe even Jack Russel!.......
No Wheaten, no Schnauzer, no Jack Russell, no Cocker, no Pug, No Pekinese, no Shi Tzu and no Lhasa.
Clue #1 They are all larger breed dogs. Weird, considering this dog was a medium size. Retriever is the only right guess so far.
Golden Retreiver, Bernese Mountain Dog, Otterhound, Collie
OK, Dori, you now have two, Retreiver and Collie.



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