I had search issues the other day when looking for members. It was intermittent and I thought maybe it was just website or webhost issues as it was an odd time.
Results so far. The "main" search function, i.e. the top right hand corner can only find members. I thought it used to find other things. For instance, if you type labradoodle you'll get a couple of members who have labradoodle in their profile name. Within the one group I tried, the search function is working. It also worked when looking for a topic amongst the main page discussions. But if you had no idea whether you had seen or wanted something in a discussion, blog or group you'd still be up the creek....
Ha ha ha ha..too funny. When I saw Adina's posting asking for us to try out the "search", I immediately said to my self...Okay F...go for it!!! How did I know you would be the first to reply???
Geesh, I hate being so predictable. But I have been missing the search function. We have so much good hidden information here. And unfortunately I wasn't the one who bookmarked the gait video : )