Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Would my goldendoodle protect my girls?  My husband and I were talking about this last night - we both looked at each other and said, Ummmm, I don't know!


When we decided to get another dog (we have't had one in a while) I wanted a dog that was protective and friendly towards everyone (100% trustworthy w/my kids).  Well, that was hard to find especially with my little one allergic to dog dander.


So, we purchased Dunkin, and he is by far the most wonderful, happy, out-going dog I've ever known. Loves the children soooo much, he acts like them (oh, and so spoiled too).


So, the question is;  would he stand up to someone or something to protect them?  Do they have that instinct?  What if a stranger tried to come into our yard (just an ex; we have an 8 ft fence around our yard)  would he greet them with friendlyness or be stand-offish (if that's a word, lol)? 


Thank you again - Lisa

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There you go.  He would protect you. Not saying these doodles are going to attack anyone, but I do think they would cause a ruckus!

Daisy barks BIG! She always has....when she was just a little girl her bark was way bigger than her.She barks at "new" customers until I say "it's okay." I do not tell people I don't know she is friendly or won't bite, they have no idea and I intend to keep it that way. At home she barks fiercely at strangers (not the UPS guy, he brings good stuff) and because of her size people do not move forward.

All that being said, if it's someone with a cookie all bets are off!

I have a story... one I wished I hadn't lived through because it scared the crud out of me.  I get up very early every other day (4AM early) and my husband works overnights at the hospital.  We have it set up where on the days I have to be at work early, DH takes Brinkley for a walk when he gets home at 7:30 and when I go in later I take him. It's worked really well for us... except one morning when I had to be up early Brinkley really needed to go out for a walk to poo (he'll only poop on a walk. Picky Picky!).  He was whining and ringing his bell.  So a grabbed him and went on my merry way... in the dark at 4:30 am.  We live in a very nice but old neighborhood.  There are a lot of mature trees and not a lot of street lights.  I rounded the corner  and Brinkley started a low growl. When I looked into a yard I saw a man jump behind a bush.  Brinkley then really started to growl.  (I know the people that live in this yard and this wasn't them!). Then I started to walk away but backwards so I could keep and eye on the bush.  I guess the guy thought I had turned around so he started to tip toe out... but when he saw that I could see him, he froze and Brinkley went INSANE!  He started to growl and pull like he was going to attack and growled like I've never heard him before.  He was ready to tear into this guy.  I have NEVER EVER seen him act like this with anyone... and I've never seen it since.  All I can say is that he must have felt that something wasn't right... and I fully believe Brinkley and the way Brinkley was acting is the only reason nothing was done to me.
OMD Heather, you are so right! Brinkley did what he was supposed to do. Thank goodness you spotted the guy. I'll bet your DH gave him a big hug for protecting you.
If we were at home yes-they bark their heads off when someone is close to the house or see other dogs. On walks-not so much they see anyone and roll over for a belly rub. In the car-they will definitely bark the person off. SO I guess I'm not safe on walks!!??
My breeder told us of an incident that happened to one of her dogs and his owner.
They were walking on a bike/walking track man, child in stroller and dog, they were threatened by an aggressive male asking for money, and the groodle positioned itself between the offending male and the child in the stroller, so the child was shielded by the dog, while the man(owner of the dog) was knocked to the ground.
The dog was never aggressive, but kept the child protected and safe.

Wow, what great stories - I feel much better now.  Just this morning Dunkin was going crazy while the girls and I were upstairs.  I think he was flipping out because the garbage truck was outside, lol. 


I think when push comes shove, he'll be there for my girls!



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