Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum



Since I have been a member on DK, I have learned so much useful information and a lot about members’ dogs.  I know about the illnesses that afflict some DK doodles.  I know which dogs are picky eaters and which ones have poop issues or behavior problems.  But it dawned on me, that with a few exceptions, I don’t really know much about the humans of DK.    Many of us recently stepped out of our comfort zones to post pictures of ourselves on our profiles, but there is no lasting record of that.  I know that DK members are compassionate people that are truly invested in the lives of their doodles, but what makes you tic?  Who are you when you have to step away from DK and enter the real world (the horror!!)?  So I challenge you to give us a little info about the person behind the dog. 


I’ll go first.


Name: Amy

Location: Dyer, IN (35 minutes outside of Chicago)

Generation: Millennial   (

Birth Order: Oldest of 3 kids – the only girl

Family: Husband, no kids

Education: Purdue and DePaul

Occupation: CPA – I work as a tax analyst for a Steel Mill.  I hope to work as a Business Officer for a Public School in the near future; I want to feel like my job actually matters.

Biggest Fear:  I have a phobia of grasshoppers.  Yes, I know they don’t bite or anything but they just really freak me out.  They blend into their surroundings and when you least expect it they jump/fly around…yuck

General: super organized, sometimes impatient, a planner – not a spur of the moment type of person, shy – I much prefer to sit back and take it all in rather than be the center of attention, obsessed with details, cautious (I was going to list the craziest thing I had ever done, but then I couldn’t come up with anything so I had to leave it out!), and incredibly sarcastic – but I swear, I am NOT as boring as I sound!!

If I could have any pet (that isn’t a doodle), I would love to have:  A big fat penguin – one of those cute cartoony looking ones. 

Addiction: A new yogurt place recently opened here (called Red Mango).  You go in and fill up a cup with as much or as little yogurt/soft serve ice cream as you want and then you can top it with all kinds of great toppings (candy, cookies, fruit, choc syrup, etc).  I have become an addict, especially now that it has gotten warm outside.  I go there at least once a week, and I’m sure it will get worse before it gets better. 

Random Useless Fact About Me: I have eaten oatmeal almost every weekday morning since October 2009

Guilty Pleasure TV Show: Sister Wives -- I have no idea how I got started watching it, but now I am hooked.

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So awesome that you live in Thailand - by far my favorite place that I've visted and would love the opportunity to live there!

Me too!

Artima is a lovely name!

Pam and Kimmy, you both mentioned that you watch Big Bang Theory.  Did you see the episode (1 or 2 season's ago) where Raj said "Puppies are cute but I want to be something sexy like a labradoodle"? 

Amy, Yes, I remember that episode. Raj has some of the best lines I think.
Though at that time, I didn't own a doodle yet. Would have been A LOT funnier if I saw it now :)

Name: Katie

Location: I grew up in Northern Michigan but moved to Orlando, Florida last summer.

Generation: Millennial   (

Birth Order: Oldest of two.  I have a brother who is three years younger than me.  We have always been very close.

Family: Engaged to Mike.  He is my once in a lifetime love, and I am so lucky to have him.  Plus he always tells me I'm the "real" dog whisperer.  What's not to love? ;)

Education: Michigan State University- Bachelor's degree in Finance.  Currently at Rollins getting an MBA in Finance.  

Occupation: After getting my Bachelors at MSU I went straight to Rollins to get my MBA instead of entering the working world right away.  I figure I might as well get most of my education out of the way right off the bat.  But for now I am the manager of a golf club.

Biggest Fear:  Cockroaches!  Holy cow, If you want to see me go into panic mode, show me a cockroach.  We didn't have them in Michigan, and they are taking me a lot to get used to.  Actually I highly doubt they are something I will EVER get used to.  I have cans of Raid cockroach killer stashed in various locations through my house so I can kill those suckers from a distance.  I don't handle public speaking well either.  and when I say I don't handle it well what I really mean is I am a complete train reck.  

General: Super laid back and easy going.  changes don't rattle me.  Not much gets to me, except packing.  I HATE packing.  I guess its all the moving you do in college, but I don't want to have to do it again for a while.  I have learned that you can't plan for life to happen.  Or you can, but expect your plans to be changed for you.  I tend to procrastinate, but I excel under pressure, so in a crazy way it works.  I can be shy, but make friends easily.  I like hearing people's stories.  I am detail oriented and notice weird things that most don't.  I have a curious mind, and if I don't know about something I have to look it up.  I guess I know a little about a lot.  I know more about dogs than any other one subject.  I have always been in love with them.  Sophie's sister Jade (Weimaraner) is in the process of being scent trained for tracking (not hunting) and Soph will be a therapy dog (shes too lazy for scent training :))  I am a doggie foster parent and love it.  It is rare that I don't have an extra dog or litter of puppies in my house.  My current litter (bottle babies that I have had since they were three days old- now 9 weeks old) get to go to their forever families this coming week :)  I fall in love with each foster that I get, but I also love seeing them go to the homes they were meant to be in from the start and love that I can help them get there.  

If I could have any pet (that isn’t a doodle), I would love to have:  More dogs.  What can I say, I love them :)  I went through a phase where I thought I also wanted a mini pig until I learned that Pigs are the only domestic animal that will eat humans.  I don't look at them the same way now.  haha.

Addiction: Ice cream with peanut butter of any variety in it (PB cups, PB ripples, whatever.  love it all).  You can also ass me in to the group of Pinterest addicts.

Random Useless Fact About Me: Both my brother an I were born with a freckle on our tongs.  The doctor had never seen another baby with it.  Neither of us have it anymore.  

Guilty Pleasure TV Show: The Bachelor/Bachelorette.  I don't even know why, I guess its just one of those shows I love to hate.  I also love say yes to the dress and Grey's Anatomy, but those don't embarrass me nearly as much to admit :)

you have roaches in your house?  Is there anyway to get rid of them or is it just a Florida thing? 

Oh goodness no!  I guess I did make it sound like I have some sort of infestation or something.  I have only ever found a couple in the house, but thats enough to totally freak me out.  Down there its like the equivalent of getting a moth or something like that in your house.  They are really common in Florida and I see them outside all the time, especially at night.  I am a total neat freak, so I dont really have to worry about them coming into my house for food or something.  The cans of raid are by all the exits of the house and I carry them outside with me when I have to go to the garage or something at night, and for precautionary measures :).  It probably doesn't help that I saw that show infested on animal planet about cockroaches.  it has really stuck with me.  haha.  

just knowing that they are outside would be enough to freak me out too.  They are just so gross.  And I wouldn't want to step on them and hear/feel that crunch.  Yuck!

Just for fun, Katie - When we lived in Brazil we moved into a house that had no windows (shutters if you wanted a closed hole in the wall) and was full of cockroaches when we moved in.  We put on our clogs and stamped them and then swept the wood plank floors.  How would you like a house like that?

Oh gosh, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night!  I would, however, LOVE to live in Brazil!  What an awesome place!

I think most of the houses have glass windows these days.  That was a long time ago (40 years) and a beach house that nobody had been living in.  Perfect for Peace Corps, don't you think?



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