It seems participation in this last page decor contest was down from last time, yet never has participation been HUGE. My guess is that perhaps this time there was less notice and the theme was not real easy and it was a temporary theme that would need to be changed AGAIN once the contest was over.
But I'm wondering if interest is just overall low in this particular type of contest. If we have another Page Decoration Contest I'd like to have NO theme--where everyone can do what they like to their page.
Would you participate? Yes/No?
And if NOT...please use the poll below to share why -- SCROLL DOWN A WAYS...I can't seem to get it to show close to this text. You may choose up to 3 options:
You can NOT view results. I set them to private. But when the poll expires I'll report them to everyone. Although I can't explain not being able to vote. That's probably a issue.
I love to decorate, but the time period was too short this time. I would have wanted to save a lot of info to put back on the page after and it has been a very busy couple of weeks :)
I think we had a Christmas Page Decor contest in DEC '08 and then for Valentine's Day in Feb '09. And no page decor contests since then until this one which was announced no less than 1 week before the deadline both in the forum and in Sunday's emailings and even last Wed I sent out a sort of 'Last call...' email I think.
I love your poll Adina! You're so funny and to the point! I love looking at people's pages and look forward to enjoying their creative energies in the future! In the beginning I bumbled my way through some page modifications but it truly was a long process for me. Every now and then I go in and try to do changes but quickly get impatient with my web ineptness! I do hope folks continue to show their talents!
I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it! Does it make any difference if you use a mac or a pc? Surely it can't be my brain! I have only been able to get one little glitter graphic to load.
I like contests but this was a little too time consuming. With all of the creative people here, I think a fun contest would be finding an "interesting" doodle picture and having a caption contest or a name the doodle contest and whoever comes up with the best caption or name would win. This would all be focused in one place so may be a lot easier for the less tech savvy.
We will definitely have MORE non-techy type contests. And I will always expect fewer to participate in the techy contests. Since the beginning I have liked to focus ALL contests on learning something new--such as posting photos into responses in discussions. I want members to know how to use the site to the fullest and hope that incentives such as contests will help those who are afraid to try to actually give it a go :) Perhaps the incentive needed is a FREE DOODLE PUPPY! LOL