It seems participation in this last page decor contest was down from last time, yet never has participation been HUGE. My guess is that perhaps this time there was less notice and the theme was not real easy and it was a temporary theme that would need to be changed AGAIN once the contest was over.
But I'm wondering if interest is just overall low in this particular type of contest. If we have another Page Decoration Contest I'd like to have NO theme--where everyone can do what they like to their page.
Would you participate? Yes/No?
And if NOT...please use the poll below to share why -- SCROLL DOWN A WAYS...I can't seem to get it to show close to this text. You may choose up to 3 options:
My son is now home from college for the summer. He is much better with the computer than I am. I hope to get some different things on my page. Timing is important too. . . .I'm a teacher so I'm very busy right now, but in a few weeks I will have all of the time in the world!!
I can upload pictures but that's about it! I have tried several times to change my profile pic but have been unsuccessful! I had my daughter add the little ticker line and need her now to help me make other changes. I don't think I'm computer-savy enough to do a page contest!
Hi Adina,
I love the poll....too funny! I would love to participate in the next contest..I did participate in the one last year, but this one was just a little too short notice with our Mother's Day plans....hopefully next time. Thanks for all you do!
The poll asked only for negative responses so I didn't respond. I enjoy the contests. I will enter when I can and enjoy the others' entries when I can't.