Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Win Prizes from in Our Latest Scavenger Hunt Contest!!!

Light on the scavenging, high on the prizes! Enjoy our Scavenger Hunt Contest and Win some fabulous prizes from

1. A ladies large royal blue fleece vest with a cream curly doodle logo on it
2. A red handled canvas bag with a golden doodle on it
3. A black knit scarf with a doodle puppy face on it (light gold or cream)
4. A child's medium white polo shirt with a chocolate doodle on it
5. A child's white medium sweatshirt with a chocolate doodle on it

Are you ready to get started? are the steps:

1) Go to and find the DoodleKisses logo hidden on the site. HINT: it's on the first page of one of the top 8 tabs at the top of their page (Shop by Breed, Shop by...etc)

2) When you find the Doodle Kisses logo on the DoodleSport site, click on the logo to take you to instructions on what you have to do to enter the contest...

Good luck everyone!

This contest ends Thur, Aug 13 at 9pm PST. At that time this discussion will be closed to further entries.

THANK YOU TO AMY OF DOODLESPORT.COM FOR DONATING THESE PRIZES! Nearly all the items they sell can be personalized for you or for gifts for your dog loving friends!!!

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Jewel is an Australian Labradoodle and she loves her big, pink elephant!

too cute

Hannah is an F1 GoldenDoodle who is looking forward to all the wonderful gifts Christmas brings

Peri loves her little brown bear - by Dr. Noy. It is actually Taquito's top plaything too and they play tug-o-war for ever with it! Just the other day, Taquito pulled a Dr. Noy green frog from his hiding place, so now they have two small tug-o-war items!
Peri is a 16-week old F1 mini goldendoodle - mom is a 50# golden retriever; dad is a 14# parti colored mini poodle.
Love this pic of Peri and Taquito! Great shot Allyson.
An apricot Goldendoodle named Oscar dreams about the ocean while lying next to his green lobster.

Ellie is a Mini Goldendoodle who loves any kind of ball but the tennis ball is what she runs after the most!

Bella, our seven month old goldendoodle, as a youngster with her beloved rabbit pelt and even more beloved best friend and chewy, Kit.

Hi! I'm Whopper an F1 goldendoodle and I absolutely love to play with this cold white stuff. It beats just about anything that has to be store bought. Too bad this stuff doesn't exist year round!

This ball was my beloved (14 1/2 yr old) German Shepard (Misty's) only special object. She would come and take it away if anyone squeaked it. You had to be invited to play, by her actually tossing it at you. However, when this little one came along toward the end of Misty's life, occasionally she would share it with her (but, not always; only if it was given). It has now become an object of affection for Mango as well and one of the few things she has not destroyed! In this photo she was 9 weeks old, she is now 12 mos. old. She is a miniature F1 Goldendoodle and her color has changed so many times I'm unsure as yet what color she will end up.
Stoli, our F1B Goldendoodle, keeps things pretty simple. She loves her squeaky bone that she received on her second day with us from her grandpa.

My all time fav play thing is my sister Suger Bear



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