Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our member, Lynda Kamrath, has started a new business in the past year where she prints photos onto canvas. She would like to give away a free canvas print to one lucky winner! Photos are printed on canvas, mounted with a gallery wrap, and shipped to your home address. Finished size is about 15 x 20 inches.

Here are a couple photos of what the finished product will look like:

To enter for your chance to win your doodle(s) photo on canvas, you must respond to this announcement by posting a photo and writing a few words that answer the question:

"How did YOUR doodle beat the heat this summer?"


Your response to the contest discussion must contain:
1) Photo of your doodle(s) EMBEDDED **INTO the discussion (not an attachment to your response) -- if you don't have your doodle yet, well...use a photo that makes sense. If you aren't sure how to insert a photo into a response, click here for instructions!! I would love ALL members to learn how to do this so nobody has to add photo attachments at the bottom of their posts when sharing photos.

2) A few words to tell us about how your labradoodle or goldendoodle or (___adoodle) beat the heat this summer

3) BOTH the photo and your text need to be in the SAME response (not separated into two responses). NOTE: Try, if you are able, to resize your photos (if they are larger than 600 pixels) so they don't take forever to load.

4) Only ONE entry per member.

5) Contest will end on Sunday, Sept 20th at NOON, Pacific Standard Time.

DETERMINATION OF WINNER: The winner will be determined out of all entries via a drawing at the end of the contest time. The photo you use in your response does not have to be the photo you have printed onto canvas. The photo for the actual prize will be decided upon between you and Lynda.

Thanks Lynda for your generosity and GOOD LUCK everyone!!!

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I also have a labradoodle and a goldendoodle, but they were not babies at the same time. If you really want to get rid of the knee and hand in this photo, you can make a mask of the knee and then clone it with the bark from the tree. I think I would crop the photo at the edge of the tree because you don't really want the truck in the photo anyway.

Kind of like this?
crop the knee andd motor home out. so cute!
SWIMMING!!! F1 GoldenDoodle Trevor loves to swim in the creek and fetch his toys in the water

Marlow beat the heat this summer by being a lifegaurd at our pool!

I sure would love to get these 2 dogs together! Marlow is sure a beauty!!

Benny is spending his summer in the water. He even lays down in the water at the shore to keep cool. It took almost a year until he figured out how to swim but now there is no holding back anymore :)
Jordan beat the heat by sitting in front of the fan, and Yes, the fan was on when I took this picture.If you look really close to her dog bed,you'll see another little fan for her as well. :) Also, MJ our cat always puts the ball behind the fan like that. I am not sure why she does that.

Harlow stayed cool by lying on top of the air conditioning vents. If you look closely you can barely see the corner of the vent peaking out behind her front elbow.

Wish I could do this, but ours are in the ceiling!!!
Matilda and I beat the heat tubing on

the lake.
Well, he had our little Sable for only about 5 minutes when we pulled over to give our new little puppy some water, and a chance to "go potty"! I had packed some stainless steel water bowls and an old pickle jar of water for the road trip. Sable immediately gobbled up her kibble, and then moved on to the water. I like a dog that "thinks big"! Even when they're small!



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