Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My nine month old is consistently stealing gulps from the glass of my fiance. Yes I have discussed it with him, yes he is putting the glass high up. I am just concerned if any damage thus far.
alcohol is not good for dogs. How is he taking gulps of wine out of a wine glass that is high up and not knocking the glass over?
Red or white? And what food is he pairing it with? Sorry, I just had to ask. You should definitely work harder to keep it away from him, but the few gulps he's had so far probably won't hurt him. Just don't let him drive.
LOL leslie!
I practice drinking wine a lot.
Alcohol is poisonous to dogs; it's the ethanol in the alcohol that can seriously harm or even kill them. Here's some info:
I was looking for something that gave more specific info regarding toxic amounts and finally found it:
Grapes are also toxic to dogs. A KILLER. So, maybe switch the dog to beer :)
My husband had a dog that would steal beer. When he left home, the dog would roll the beer can around the floor and bite the can. Of course, it burst everywhere. He would find her drunk. Not funny. Very upsetting to see a dog like this :( So, all beer had to be locked up.
When you got up to go to the bathroom she would knock over the beer and drink it all as fast as she could. And dont ever fall asleep with a beer. It was gone. Beers lying around for company were extremely dangerous.
If you would sit and drink a beer, she would howl at you. She was a Beagle and the howl was insistent and constant. Hours and hours of howling. Awful.
What we did was make ice cubes for her when we wanted to sit on the porch and have a beer. A very tiny amount for flavoring only then freeze.
It stopped the annoying dog from going insane and us too.
Again, it was just a tiny amount so the cubes could still freeze but she could have her taste and keep her busy but never get any effects from alcohol. A few flavoring drops.
Any form of alcohol is not a good idea, according to the articles I found. Beer, whatever. Even fruit cake, because of the rum content. Vanilla extract. Dogs just shouldn't have alcohol, period.
My schnoodle also loved beer, and would lap it up if someone spilled any. I didn't see any effects either, but now that I read all this, I feel lucky.
Yes, I feel lucky too. I wonder what attracts a dog to go insane by the drink? It's not like it's a steak on the counter. I had never seen a dog act the way his Beagle did. We were extremely cautious about all of it but you know dogs. Where there is a will, there is a way~ sometimes.
Beef flavored cubes? A good chew like an Antler might keep this silly puppy busy
If there was damage "thus far" you'd probably know about it....I'm thinking there would be some signs. It is really dangerous for your dog, so I'm hoping that you can stop this now before something really serious happens.
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