Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We had a great yard last year. It isnt tobad now, but lots of dead grass where Schulz goes to the bathroom. We got the digging under control for the most part but is there something that we can do to keep the grass green and not so patchy or is this just part of haveing a dog?? Not a overly huge deal just wondering if there was something that we could do? Or is there a way to train them to only go to the bathroom in one area?? 

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Scott: How did you get the digging under control??? We've got a major digger on our hands. 

Thank you, Scott. I think so too, but I'm a little prejudiced. We do the poop thing but they have a doggie door which means lots of unsupervised time outside. He's better than he was. I was hoping you had a magical cure. I read about the pepper thing. Maybe I'll try that although I'm wondering if he is going to like that as well. I thought I would go to Costco and get a giant economy size jar and sprinkle it over the areas he seems most attracted to. ;o)

We have a dedicated digging area in the backyard. It works...well, most of the times. :-)

Jarka, How does your "dedicated digging area" work? How big is it? How did you teach Monty to just dig there? Doesn't he still get that beautiful white coat all muddy?  Thanks for any advice you can share. 

It's not very big, perhaps 3 ft x 7 ft at most. It used to be a little garden area when we moved in. I put up wooden board up to surround it so that the dirt does not get kicked out. Every time Monty would start digging somewhere else, he got scolded and redirected to the digging area. Doodles are smart and he certainly understands he is not supposed to dig anywhere else. But dogs will be dogs and he would sometimes start to dig in the restricted area. All it takes is to give one yell and he is off to his sandbox. It also worked to throw a ball in the digging area and he would play with it there. It's mostly dry here in Colorado, so I can just brush him clean after the digging adventure. After a storm though, I just close the entry to the digging ground until the mud is gone. Having a white fluffy dog, I got used to not stressing over having him white and fluffy all the time. It's a lost battle if you try to, LOL.

You can see the dirtbox in these videos:

One day, when my husband feels like it, I would like to dig the dirt out and fill the hole with sand.

Your digging area looks like it is a lot of fun for Monty. I have thought about a sandbox for the dogs but summers like last year it would be a great mess. And I'd need to find a good spot. Now we are very dry and it would be grand.

Thanks so much for posting this helpful video and answer to my questions. I've just showed it to DH. We'll see if we can get this going.

People have trained their dogs to go only in one spot but sadly I am not one of them. The Garden Group has several discussions on dogs and yards. Come join us.

Just a sampling:

Don't feel too bad.  I bought my home 25 years ago from an owner of a golf course.  For years, my neighbors would be in awe of my yard.  No, I don't have the nicest home on the block, but I did have the most beautiful lawn.  The secret--special grass.

Not found commonly in my area.  Fast forward now to 2012.

It is pretty bad when one of your DK buddies comments on a video you post.  " Oh!  That is not the dog park?  That is your yard?" 

It is pretty bad but the price you pay for a wonderful companion.  Give it up.  Buy a fake lawn and enjoy your dog.

Do not buy a fake lawn, expensive, hot and not good for the environment. Compromise : )

Scot, Our yard is a mess with two dogs. I almost broke my ankle yesterday when I walked over one of the holes they dug.  What does grass look like, because we are down to dirt. It is easier to mow, though, and that is a plus :) Good luck! You could always move and start over...LOL!

We worked on Monty from the puppyhood to do his business only on the side of the house where there are rocks, so that's where he goes 99% for #1 and 100% for #2.  Occasionally, he would go pee on some of the bushes where he is not supposed to go, but I can definitely live with the 1%  deviance. :-)  Still, whatever little grass we have in the backyard has bare spots in it. Cause when he is playing with ball, he needs to claw the dirt along the ball. Having a dedicated digging sandbox helped (well, it's a former garden patch filled with regular dirt, but I would love to replace it with sand one day).



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