Hi Mike, I think out of the pacific northwest group Jennifer & Cayenne and Melissa (Leni & Meg) are closest to Seattle--mouse over the member photos in the group to figure out who they are...maybe they know someone?
I take my Bella to Dr Claire Morris at Downtown Dog lounge. She is a the Queen Anne location, which I know may be out of your area, but she is great. Bella has gone to her since we got her at 15 weeks of age.
If Northgate area is a little better, I know two of the vets at the Northgate Veterinary Clinic. Dr Royal Smalley and Dr Emi Baxter are both amazing people as well as Vets. The help me with my pup when I can't get to my normal vet. Here is their website: http://www.northgatevet.com/
I'm assuming you already have a vet by now, but in case you don't, we took Oski to Maple Leaf Veterinary Care Center on NE 80th. It's a small practice with 2 vets, both of which are very evidence-based & have great bedside manner, very good at explaining to you the pros/cons of different treatment options & about par for the course in terms of cost. Oski would come bounding through the door, dragging me in to say, "Hi!" to everyone because he loved the vet so much. We just moved to Portland this summer and are still have a hard time finding a replacement for them [sigh.]
FYI: If you have a vet _emergency_ or need subspecialty care, I've nothing but good things about Animal Critical Care & Emergency Services on Lake City Way (apparently most vets refer to them for complicated procedures/specialty or second opinions).