You can. In my day I was SO OVER EXCITED every time I got a new program I bought a new book. I love books. . I have a mini Adobe Bookstore downstairs just sitting in crates. I will inventory and see what I have. They are going to waste--as you can see by my photos :)
Actually I prefer to do most of my work in Illustrator--but I don't do anything. LOL
Who doesn't have projects awaiting completion? My parachute cord is sitting along with a shelf I want to put up along with a trellis that fell over.......
Oh wow, were those snow photos at the beginning of your slide show the ones you just posted? In fact, most of your photos are in the snow!!! And here I am talking about canceling "golf" You must have frozen your butt off try to get those photos. I was so proud of my snow photos from a few weeks ago but after seeing yours, I think I want to move to snow country. I love the soft fluffy snow all around the Doodles and on their faces! Poor Gracie Doodle was in a few inches and it was mainly ice! Plus we had to drive to get to it!!!