Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Here's a link to this year's calendars.
Each year the quality of the photos has gotten better and the competition stiffer. You must follow the rules in terms of size and pixels or Adina will deep six the photos right away. If your photo is not selected it doesn't mean it wasn't good and you get to enjoy the images you took anyway. Choosing the final photos is done by Adina.
If you don't want people to critique your photos you should let us know explicitly each time you post but I can't guarantee it won't happen. I do know some people prefer not to get feedback of this sort. Of course you don't have to submit pictures you post here and you can submit pictures you haven't posted here. I am hoping people will be honest and supply constructive criticism. We know all doodles are cute and gorgeous but not all photos of them are perfect. So help each other in a kind but critical way. We can all ignore each others advice.
This discussion is just for display and not the submission itself. The rules for that have been clear too.
If you read these links and the replies you will know more than you ever wanted to know and have most of your questions answered.
We have had tons of discussions of this sort in this group. Here are a few.
Don't go too crazy and forget to feed your dogs, plot against the competition, or fly consultants in from far away : ) Remember, folks this is supposed to be fun.
None of the above may be true for this year and Jack Doodle is representing me in any lawsuits, or so I hope.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Awww, Laurie this is the best and so beautiful! Love it!
So fun, and very nice light. Submit!
Cute and creative, Laurie.
Love it and she looks so happy!
Thank you, everyone. Getting this picture involved a spatula with peanut butter, two bubble machines, one abused husband, some cussing, and dog treats :)
and I was going to ask how you got Fudge to make bubbles come out of her mouth...
Love it, so pretty and not everyone will have a bubble pic. :>)
I hope don't go running out to get a bubble machine and set it against all that beautiful scenery you have and add Quincy. No fair :)
I have a $3 bubble wand, no assistant ( it ain't worth the stress) and no peanut butter, I think you're safe. :>) I do have a good pic of a bubble but no doodle. :>))))))
Laurie ! Unique - love this bubble shot!
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