The monthly photo assignments are usually announced in this group at the beginning of a new month and then you just join...just respond to the appropriate discussion and embed your photo into your response. To embed your photo, click on the little black 'camera' button in the line of buttons above where you type.
You are welcome to peruse the past monthly assignments and turn in something to them even though they are past.
Hi Taylor. You are young and ambitious. That's great When the September assignment come up it will be a discussion in this group. Read about what the assignment is. Then you can just post you photos, maybe with a few comments, in the discussion. If you look you'll see the discussion August.... Look through it and get some ideas and see some lovely photos. Some people are serious photographers and get very technical. We love looking at their work. But don't let that bother you. Most of us just take the best pictures we can and have fun.