ISO would be good; or maybe shooting in low light conditions which could involve ISO and shutter speed . . . Or maybe shutter sapeed could be a following month assignment. I had a fun prject that involved how to use shutter spped to freeze action--it was challenging but a lot of fun for both me and Dakota!!!!
My goal!!!!! I could put my camera away forever if I could just get one great shot like this. But, am I ready??? I don't know what ISO is or anything else.
ISO Settings would be good. Other thoughts...White Balance, when would you use Shutter Priority rather than Aperture Priority, focal points (most cameras come with quite a few choices these days), Bracketing (that would be more advanced). Just some ideas for maybe later!!!! Thanks for helping all of us so much. It great having a "go to person"!!
I am a definite newbie to the world of dSLR cameras. I would appreciate an assignment that would start with the simple basics and build upon the practiced skill. I was also wondering if others would be interested in studyingand working on an assignment for two weeks instead of a month. It would force us to make time to experiment with our camera and the skills could be broken down into smaller chunks. There is always the tendency to put off the assignment if there is a lot of time to complete it. Just a thought:0)
I am good on 2 weeks--even though I was one of the last to submit the Jan assignment!! I am a great one for the sayiong. "the time required will expand to the time alloted!!!"