Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It's January 1 and we are expecting a big storm tomorrow. Nests. Need I say more. So you can go from the literal to the imaginative. Above all have fun. Happy New Year to everyone as we enter our fifth year : )


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He was busy decorating the bed :)

One of my favorites too!  That Chance has quite the eye for design :)

LOL, that little guy new just what the photo needed!

My doodles decorate the bed with all sorts of things, just now it was a bit of snow. And long ago I realized brown sheets are just what doodles need. So usually as it is right now, we have sleeping doodles and computers and headphones for the TV and......

Perfect nest for two adorable doodles and their human.

P.S.  Thanks for the brown sheets idea.  I often throw a sheet over my bedspread to keep little doodle gifts from resulting in another trip to the dry cleaner.  But a brown or dark grey would be better that the white sheets I use!


I have all white (as you have seen).


I think they look like they miss me :)

They say that often.
What about me? : (



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