Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, I made it under the deadline. How about water in all it's guises from one drop to the ocean. Doodles and water. Rain. Or anything at all. It is summer and we can be carefree. wishing everyone a happy Canada Day, Happy Independence Day and a lovely month.

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Wow, a pot of gold of images. The scenery is so beautiful. What a pretty pair of perfectly posing puffins :-) what is the little outhouse looking structure?

Thanks F. That funny little structure is just an archway and I don't know why they like to place them in random spots, decoration I guess. Nice puffin alliteration. If you look at the birds in the picture with the orange boat those are puffins in the water. There were a million of them but they just wouldn't get close enough for that perfect close up shot. They we so entertaining to watch, one minute they were there and then they were gone. I got a lot of shots of puffin bums.

I missed those puffins. Gotta love puffin bums.

WOW!  What a bonanza of beautiful images Donna.

Thank you Anne. I've been really lazy about lugging my camera around

Donna, these are all gorgeous and I especially love the littel girl in the middle of all the rocks and shore.

Thank you Lonnie. It's so lovely to watch the little one's so happy just playing with the rocks and water. It's exactly like a childhood memory should be.

Wow! Each shot is so special. As I scrolled down I couldn't choose a favorite.

Thank you Nancy. This month's assignment was good for me, water is the one thing we have plenty of. :>)

A wonderful group of images.  I feel like we just went on a walk :)

Wow Donna ~ very nice each and ever one!

Thank you Linda.



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