Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

UPDATE: NOVEMBER 2013. This discussion has gotten so large, I had to start a new discussion....Part Two.... and close this one.

I have been trying for weeks to get a good photograph of Fudge running towards me with her ball. I need help. I am shooting in AI Servo mode and snapping continuously as she runs towards me. Every time I think I have a good picture of her up close, when I download it to my computer, some part of her is blurry. What am I doing wrong?  How do I keep her in the frame right up until she gets to me and not have the image blurred? I am concentrating on using a shutter speed higher than 1/250 and preferring to stay over 1/500. Usually depending on my ISO, my aperture is somewhere more than 5. I think one of the problems is I need a greater DOF (narrower opening) or else I just do not have a steady enough hand as she runs right at me. I am not giving up, but I am getting discouraged. Do most of you use a tripod in a situation like this? What I think might be helpful to me is to see some motion shots with the settings used and what lens is being used. Is there one lens preferred by most for this type of shot? I am sorry if all this has been asked before.

Here are some outtakes....I have tons of these kinds of shots.

1/800, 5.0, ISO 200   Blurry

1/1000, 5.0, ISO 200  blurry

Farther away, better focus, too far for a good picture. 1/400. 5.6, ISO 100

1/400, 5.6, ISO 100

Is this just a case of I am not holding the camera still? Are my settings not right? I really want the up close shot and am not as interested in the shots just where she starts to run at me. Is my understanding of AI Servo incorrect? I thought if you focused correctly in the far away shot, as she runs towards me, if I maintain the focus point (her face), it will stay in focus. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

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Tomorrow, I will close this discussion and all new photos should be posted in Part Two of this discussion.

Laurie, I hope you are going to start the discussion as ' Dogs Running Towards You II ' This was a huge hit and my favorite thing to photograph.

Or, maybe I should start a discussion of Dogs Running Away From You.

I have a lot of butt shots tonight. Well every night it seems

Love it--looking so intently, for what?

The ball in the leaves, of course :)

All my shots are butts it seems

LOL. but really nice butt shots!

I have a lot of these also.  From today, Chance finding the perfect spot for his blanket.

What a cutie from any angle.

This is not exactly on topic but it was funny.  This evening Lola wanted Esau to play with her but he just wanted to snooze.  So while he was resting she stuck up behind him and before I could do anything chomped down on his bottom.  I scolded her but inside I was cracking up.

LOL, I would have cracked up also.

Oh, looking for a ball in the leaves, I could get a million of them : )

Joanne, I already started the new discussion. So cute. I have a lot of butt shots, too.



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