I am reposting a discussion started by Kathy (Ellie and Oliver) along with the responses to see if we can get additional feedback.
"As the holidays approach, many of us may be thinking of getting a different camera to help us capture those unforgettable doodle moments. There seems to be sales, sales, and more sales! I like to have a wish list on hand for items that I am possibly interested in buying now or in the future. Please share with us the name of a user friendly point and shoot or SLR camera that you use to take awesome pictures of your doodle(s). Thanks for your suggestions!!!"
Replies to This Discussion
Reply by Noble Vestal Labradoodles on December 4, 2009 at 7:33am
Canon only!
it takes a good camera and a good eye for framing a picture, I notice most take pictures standing up and looking down on their dog~ ugh... Get down at eye level with your dog when taking pics and I do mean eye level... that means on your knees or belly : )
Reply by Sara Sonntag on December 4, 2009 at 7:46am
Your right...I am crawling everywhere when taking pictures..laying on the ground too! Take pictures from all kinds of angles...even pictures from BEHIND it!! CANON ONLY...I'm with you on that too!
Reply by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on December 4, 2009 at 10:57am
My mom is a photographer and only uses her Digital Canon Rebel. It is awesome. She has used Canon only for the past 30+ years.
For a smaller, less expensive camera, we both have our own SD1100 Canon's. It fits in your pocket and I think the quality is great for the price ($200).
Reply by Kathy (Ellie & Oliver) on December 4, 2009 at 6:39pm
Wow, thank you for sharing information on the camera that you use to capture special doodle memories. I knew that I could count on my fellow doodle members to share their experiences. I'm going to research your suggestions and then take it from there. Once again, many thanks!!!!!!!!! Kathy (Ellie & Oliver)
Reply by Leslie and Halas 15 hours ago
I bought a Canon EOS 50D last winter, and I love it. It came with a kit lens, which works well. I've recently added a wide-angle lens for more landscape pics and some home remodeling pics (want to capture as much of the room in the shot as I can), and I'm loving that so far, too. My point-and-shoot is also a Canon. It's a PowerShot XS100. I think almost all the pics on my page were taken with one of these 2 cameras.
Reply by Kathy (Ellie & Oliver) 58 minutes ago
Thank you for replying to my question. I think that I am leaning towards purchasing a Canon. I'm still researching all of the different kinds of Canon SLR cameras. It seems that both Canon and Nikon cameras have wonderful reviews. I have always used point and shoot cameras and so the world of SLR seems a bit confusing to me, especially the terminology. I just don't want to spend money on a camera that I may find too difficult to use! I'm sure that many people had the same type of concerns before purchasing their camera. I have joined the Photography Group here on DK. So we'll see how my SLR journey unfolds!!!!!