Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi!  We're picking up our puppy (mini) this Saturday, and we're so excited!  I've been reading a lot but had a few questions.  The schedule we received from ABD was primarily just for the three feeding times (and when to pull the water and how long the puppies generally sleep during the night).

Are people mostly sleeping with the crate near them the first few nights to see when the puppy's wake-up time is?  Also, I think I read from the Monks of New Skete book that we're supposed to take our puppy to potty every 1 1/2 hours, walk and play, and then back to the crate throughout the day while crate training - how long are we supposed to continue this?  Until there are no more potty accidents?  When should I expect to be able to let the puppy out all day in the home with me and only to the crate during nighttime (or when I leave the house)?  If I take the puppy out every 1 1/2 hours, aren't I training him/her to potty that frequently?  Sorry for all the questions - this is our first family puppy!  If you have any advice, I'd really appreciate it.  Thank you!


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Hi! Congratulations on your new puppy! I had the same questions you did when we picked up ours. I'll try to answer your questions the best I can. Funny it was tough at the beginning but I forgot most of how I got through it! Lol

We let Cooper sleep in our bedroom in his crate the first two or three nights max. It didn't work out for me. I'm the type that needs to go pee in the middle of the night. It was stressing me out that I was worried about waking the puppy. I even tried to hold it and that made things worse since I couldn't go back to sleep! Cooper did just fine sleeping downstairs in his crate. He slept from about 9 to 2 the first few nights then 9-4, then gradually waking up later in the morning. I remember waking up at 5:30 for a while.

We made a gravel area for Cooper to do his business in our backyard. I highly recommend it. Cooper was very easily potty trained with the gravel potty area. It helps save our grass too. Oh and I was writing down all his pee and poo times. Eventually you will see a pattern. I did this for the first two months I think. It heps ALOT!

Going every 1.5 hours is not often especially at the beginning. Again, jot down the time, including the accidents. You'll begin to see how often your doodle needs to go.

Oh and it wasn't until just this month that I left Cooper home alone outside his crate when I go out. He is 1.5 years old. I could probably have done it earlier. :) Good luck! Hope that helps a bit!

Thanks, Jenny!  I love the idea about writing down the pee/poop/accident schedule.  I'm going to do that.  It seems that the puppy will go when he/she needs then, and me taking the puppy out frequently won't necessarily be training puppy to have to go all the time.  Once you moved Cooper downstairs, how did you know what time he woke up?  Did you go downstairs and keep checking on him through the night?

At the beginning, you're actually training the puppy WHERE to go. So once he/she gets that idea, it'll be easier. The puppy (I think) will then learn to hold it until you take it out again. So as soon as the puppy gets home, go straight from the car to the potty area. Just keep taking the puppy out to the SAME spot. It will smell its own urine and go potty.

Cooper would whine when he gets up in the morning. At about 6 months, he stopped whining and just waited for us to come down. After he was potty trained, we moved him in the playpen to sleep at night time. He didn't want to go in his crate anymore at night and we felt bad coaxing him in. Lol With the playpen, he was much more willing to walk in and get his last treat for the night.

Cooper was also our very first dog we own. I know how you feel! :)
Thank you so much! This has been so helpful!!! Awww, Cooper sounds like such a sweetie. Thank you again for the much needed advice!
You're very welcome! You might want to join the Puppy Madness forum. You'll get a lot of pointers and tips there :)
Oh we also got Foscam so we can watch Cooper from our iPhone. You can check on him in the middle of the night using your phone. I would even check on him when I'm at the market. Lol Good luck!



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