Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Miss Olive is now one. I am thinking she is smarter than the two of us at times. Lately she is wanting to go out to potty, she goes to the door and stomps on her bell. We get up and as soon as we try to put her leash on( something we have always done, no fence here) she puts her feet in front and butt in the air and starts running and barking and growling while crazy! She then pretends she is biting on the way by, never actually grabs us but out of control. We have tried turning our backs or pretending we don't see her, nope shecontines til time out in her crate is our only option. I also am having the problem of her being on leash and now lunging at people, no longer keeping her feet on the ground. This has been upsetting to say the least. We are both so frustrated! Will a training class help? She is 65lbs and I can't let this continue. It must stop. Any suggestions. She had a puppy class, did great, not she is driving us nuts and we still love her to pieces. Help!

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