Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Let's get together for some frolicking fun! Who wants to host the next one? Lets keep our discussions in this thread.

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We will provide drinks and munchies for 2 footed and 4 footed friends. You are always welcome to bring additional snacks
David I do need directions. Can you send them to me? Narcey
Give me a call. 2153435094
It looks like it is going to be As great day weather wise. I am looking foreward to seeing everybody after this brutal winter. There is room if you want to invite anyone. David

It was great to see all of you and your doodles last Sunday. Thank you David, Joanne and Looie for hosting, we had a lovely time! I especially loved the strawberry ice tea and lemonade :)

Here are some pictures I took of the fun had by all.



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