Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Beau is a very timid soul, and can jump at the slightest noise

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Cagney is 8 mths old and still skittish around strangers.... kids included... he will shy away from people that he does not know... I hope this passes.... he is an excellent watch dog I must say... no one will want to come around....
Two things come to mind. (1) If you are nervous about something (like being nervous about BeauBeau being nervous even) the dog will be nervous or more so. If you have a quieter home, or noises make you jump then.....
(2) You must expose your dog to stuff and I mean deliberately expose him to places and people and traffic. Just go sit in a park or at a school during dismissal or at a bench at the mall entrance.
Now, that being said, some things are just scary for some dogs and all you can hope to do is minimize their fear. Our lab mix is afraid of the firecrackers that happen around Independence Day. He is 11 and it is unlikely that we would ever be able to change this. He is also more cautious around some males which has gotten better as time has passed and he has been exposed to more in life. We didn't do as good a job with exposure to strange things with him because we didn't think of deliberately doing it.
Our doodle hears stuff and barks and quietly growls. He barks EVERY darn night at the same time and we have decided someone in the neighborhood gets home from work at about 11:00. He does "get over it" but it is a pain. I don't think of this as afraid, however he does sometimes appear to be afraid or startled and he will bark.
Our third dog is a Springer and he doesn't have a clue what fear might even look like. You could have a band blare at him and 25 men run at him and he would just hang his tongue out and jump with joy.
None of my dogs is truly skittish, but there are sometimes things or people that kind of scare them. If Ned gets afraid (he is a small doodle) he will get close to me.
Yes, Charlie can get like that, too. This morning during the walk, a flock(?) of Turkeys flew up noticing us approaching. You would thought that Charlie had a heart attack!!



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