Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just got the Andis 2 speed (heavy duty) today and I am having some problems. My dog has a soft fleecy coat that tents to mat easily and she has been away for a week (being bred) so she is a bit tangled now.I have been brushing her and when I got out all the mats in an area, I tried the Andis with the #10 bade and a plastic comb that was supposed to result in 3/4" of hair. Her hair is about 1 1/2 " long now. I was having a lot of trouble getting it to cut the hair. The comb would go through, but the blade didn't seem to be doing anything. I looked at the Andis site and they recommended the blade #7 for a matted coat on a poodle and #10 for a closer cut. The #7 blade had longer teeth on it.  Does anyone who has the Andis use this blade? 

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Hi Vicky, It sort of depends on the type of coat Jamacia has (I love the name Jammers)!. Gracie is very soft, wavy and not really thick or "stiff". I am able to get the clippers with the comb through very easily. I am guessing that if you have a Doodle with very thick, wirey, wooley hair then the clippers are not going to go through. I think I read that from Barb (Gemstone Labradoodles) who started the Grooming Group. If you have a Doodle with that type coat then you have to scissor cut them entirely. Faces and heads are always scissor cut other than maybe under the ears and neck (in Gracie's case). Go to the Grooming Group and look around or do a search on the subject you are wanting to know about, i.e., clippers, blades, etc. and see what you can come up with. If not, post there and Barb will get back to you with an answer. Good Luck.
I have never really been able to determine what sort of coat Jammers has, but it is definitely not clipper/comb compatible. But as I just told Joanne, I don't mind scissor cutting her ~ she is great, and fortunately, likes the "casual" look. (lol)
Nothing NOTHING goes through Spud's coat--not even a comb or brush let alone a GOOD set of clippers. I had to scissor cut him to 1/4 inch and then take a 10 blade to his coat. Even with a 10 blade it took me days. Starlit took me 1/2 hour maybe. Some of these dogs are impossible.
So don't feel alone Vicky.
I never thought I was alone, but thanks, anyway! I have difficulty getting a comb through Jamaica's coat, but the Les Pooches brush works well. We do a good brushing about once a week ~ Jamaica lies down on the ottoman in the living room and pretty much lets me do anything (I am so lucky!), but I gave up on the clippers with combs. I think if I ever had to shave her I could, but I had thought the combs would leave a coat of approx. 1-1.5 inches. I even bought a special set of combs, but cannot get them through her coat.

I actually don't mind scissor cutting her, though, and she doesn't seem to mind the "casual" look..... (lol)
You may want to reapply oil to the blades constantly. After taking just a few swipes I needed to reapply oil to the blades. Over and over and over or they could not cut into the coat.
Yikes--I guess MANY of us have problems. My Mattie is so easy, I was spoiled until I got Lyric. I can cut Mattie with my "cheap-o" clippers I use on my son! She never has a mat (despite her name!) and her hair combs through like people hair. So...I am sure I can use these clippers on her, but I will have to try all these suggestions. If I find a solution for Lyric, I will let you all know.
Just looked at pictures of Spud and I can see why you'd have trouble getting a clipper through that beautiful coat! Lyric is very similar, but a bit less curly. My groomer was charging me $75 to clip her and I thought that was outrageous--but maybe I can now see why...
Ginny--too funny. Spud has never been to a groomer but I already know, he would be in excess of 100.00 each time. I bet I would be on a APB of groomers list and an alarm would go off if he entered a groomers door! No joke.
And it takes hours and makes the dog so unhappy...I'd rather spread it out over a few days at home.
Absolutely $100 plus. Don't forget it cost me $100 this summer just for 2 dogs to get washed. Only shampoo, no conditioner--they wanted extra for that : ) It does take a lot of time and energy to groom them though . Luca, of gossamer hair and a calmer grooming disposition, not so bad. Calla, I'd charge at least $500 to do her myself!
Maybe we would be $600.00. I really think no groomer would have us back. I'll just let my dog be who he is as long as he is not matted I accept the way this wild Yetti Looks
I am also so thankful I have Starlit who is a dream to groom so I have the best and worst of both worlds
I don't take Jamaica to a professional groomers, but depending upon what part of the country you are in, I don't think $75 is too far out of line. I think how much time they have to deal with mats (if they even bother and don't just shave the dog) has a lot to do with the final price. So it should be much cheaper to have the dog completely brushed out before taking them in to be clipped.

Or do it yourself and then pay yourself $75 tip!



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