Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Wow - I have never really paid that much attention to the whole "goldendoodle" grooming situation - hey - Rooney's an Australian and I've just glossed over everything else.  Well now - here is baby Stuart - our new rescued Goldendoodle and I am CLUELESS!!!!  I've seriously thought that perhaps the poor start he got in life had caused him to have this funny coat - thin and wispy with shorter hair kinda underneath.  And sheds like nothing I've ever seen (I was going to say "sheds like a stripper on a hot pole" but wouldn't want to offend any strippers that might be members on DK - lol).  Well guess what - I send Kemp an SOS about this puppy and he says that it is his baby coat - WTD is a baby coat?  I had no clue.  And the best news is that Kemp says that once his adult coat is in (wouldn't it be more clear to say "on"?) that the shedding should slow down a bit.  Yipppeee!!!!!  So we have a new brush from Kemp on the way that should help.  But for others considering the difference between ALD and Goldendoodles (can't comment about American LD) I've laid out the difference in coat between Rooney & Stuart.

Rooney gets groomed by a mobile groomer once a month.  That is all he gets.  No other baths (unless mud would be involved and frankly he doesn't much like getting dirty or wet).  No brushing required - he doesn't shed at all and really doesn't look good brushed out - it fluffs his curls too much and then they don't bounce.  He can get the occasional matt under his chin and now on his ears but that is from Stuart chewing on them.  There was NO coat change at all.  It just grew and his tail filled in.  The ultimate little maintenance dog.

Stuart as mentioned above looks kinda funny.  Thin, wispy hair with little hairs underneath.  I'm not sure how doodley Stuart will look as his hair seems to be straight and he is shedding big hair balls.  I'll be brushing Stuart with his new green Les Pooches brush (thanks Kemp).  Stuart loves to get dirty but I plan to nip this in the bud - I'm not into dog washing.  Stuart will get groomed once a month by the mobile groomer unless he grows to large for her to handle and then I'll have to find another groomer for him.  So there you have it - I didn't realize how clueless that I was, I'm looking forward to seeing how Stuart's coat matures - I don't think he'll be very Quincy but we love him regardless.  Yes - I am posting this in a place where there are many who are "do it yourselfers" - I'll admit it - I'm too lazy and would rather play golf - LMAO!!!!!!

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What a cutie!
Looks like a typical puppy coat to me.  And it will stop shedding so much when he gets his adult coat.  I think goldendoodles need a little more brushing (mine did) and they love the one-on-one attention.  As long as you start Stuart with the groomer early, he will be fine with being groomed by her.  Both my dogs are nonshedders so I guess I lucked out.  Hondo, our late labradoodle, shed a little bit but required very little grooming.  He was aux natural except for the time I shaved him down.  They will all be different and you will find the right formula for Stuart just like you did for Rooney.
It is kinda fun to just watch as he grows to see how it will turn out.  I'm glad to hear that the shedding MIGHT slow down a bit - it was driving insane but any improvement now will be a blessing.  Getting the correct brush will also help as the one I was using wasn't getting any hair to come out and yet I'd see a whole litter of "hair puppies" blowing across the floor. 
I have two F1 Goldendoodles. One has wavy fleece/wool coat and does not shed. The 10 month old has a more retriever-ish coat and does shed some. I think getting the green Les Pooches brush will be great for both dogs. There is a discussion about "rakes" from earlier this week. That type of implement helps get my puppy's coat out too. He hasn't started
Matting yet so I don't know if he'll go through the dreaded coat change or not. Gus may not if he is shedding.  

He is very cute!! My goldendoodle does not shed-so hope it slows down for you.

Can you tell me where you got the cute "Dog tag" for him?

Allie is an F1bb, so she has more poodle in her. She does not shed and neither does her litter mate, but Allie has a much different coat then her litter mate, Bella. Allie really does not mat, but Bella does. Allie has more of a fleece coat and Bella has more of a wool coat. You kind of get the luck of the draw.
Oh, Stuart is just the cutest puppy. I can't wait to watch him grow.  I hope that he sheds little, or at least less, when he is grown.  Ned - no shedding but high, high maintenance.  Clancy - sheds furballs, but low maintenance.  I think I would prefer Ned's high maintenance over Clancy's shedding, but I would really take Rooney's no shedding and low maintenance.
Too funny I was wondering where u got Stuarts cute dog tag from also? Great taste??!!! Lol

Those dog tags (Rooney's is red) - I can't think of the name but they sell them at dog stores but not the Petsmart kind.  Send me a private message if you really want one - there are soo many cute patterns - and I'll get you the order form from the store here and mail it to you.  The boys have their names and dh and mine cell phone numbers on the back.  Of course both boys are micro chipped also.

They might be luckypet dog tags:

I don't care what kind of coat Stuart has, he is just adorable. I love his happy face. I can't wait to see what he looks like full grown.
Stuart is sooooo cute!



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