Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My puppy Zeke is 13 weeks old and I have been trying to get him used to grooming since I got him four weeks ago. When I try to brush him, he attacks the brush with his teeth. I tried waiting until he was tired and calm but bring out the brush and he just attacks it. I finally bought a second brush since he can only attack one at a time, so I brush with a brush in my right hand while he chomps on the other brush in my left hand and it gets the job done. I know this is just a workaround though and if I take him to a groomer that will never fly;) Also I have not been able to bathe him. I have made three attempts but he fights it like mad and is too strong for me to hold and to get any shampoo on him at the same time (need three hands or more!) Nail trimming is not going any better. I have tried going slowly, using treats, doing it after exercise, speaking calmly to him, etc.
Background: I have a 10 yr old senior Golden whom I got as a rescue at age 2. He has been a wonderful dog in every way except that he would never allow anyone to trim his nails or clean his ears. A few good groomers could muzzle him and get it done, but most of the time they didn't and I would have to have the vet do it. This was part of my reasoning for getting a puppy this time around, so I could train him right and groom him myself! I am feeling a little deflated at the moment.... this new little guy is such a spitfire! And just as stubborn as his big brother. Advice?
Hi, April. Take a look at the discussion that was started just before yours. It might provide some answers to your question:
Oh I remember those days well. Get yourself a metal dog grooming comb, dogs don't like chewing on metal. So you shouldn't have any problems combing him with it. Just do it light and soft, till he realizes it feels good to him. Teach him the words Leave It.. when he starts going for the brush etc. Muzzling a dog to do their feet is not good. Only makes a dog more resistent as they hate being muzzled. Play with his feet and nails a lot, all the time, rubbing them, massaging them etc. do this for weeks before trying to clip his nails. Start with an emery board slowly, just brushing it against the nails then, using Leave it, when he goes for the emery board, eventually when he get accustomed to that actually start to take a little length off with the board. Constantly praising him for being a good boy and give him a little treat occasionally. It will take time with the brushing and nails, just don't give up. Be gentle and consistent, no such thing as too much praise and eventually he will look forward to spending time with you when you want to brush him or clip his nails. He is a pup and he is trying to display dominance, but once he learns he can trust you, you will have his trust forever. With puppys, it is patience, repetition and kindness. I guess it pretty much works for all animals and humans also.
The brushing is going a tiny bit better but I am very discouraged that I do not seem to be able to bathe my wild and crazy puppy. I just tried to bathe him again and my clothes are soaked, the kitchen counters and floors are wearing more water than my doodle. As soon as I get him in the sink and he feels the water ( I have tried both filling up the sink and setting him in it and also not filling the sink just letting water run gently on his back) he starts struggling and fighting and biting everything. I can't hold him and wash him. He bites the shampoo bottle, the spray hose, the towels. For the last four weeks I have been massaging him and playing with all his body parts (paws, nails, ears, tail etc) so he gets used to my touch. Sometimes he tolerates it and sometimes only if I hold a toy or chewie in his mouth with one hand. I live in a part of the country that is muddy in the winter and we walk a lot and I would just like a clean doodle! He is 14 weeks now and for the past month I just let the mud dry and brush it out but I really want to teach him to take a BATH! I would take him to a groomer but with all his biting I am paranoid that they will muzzle him and I don't want that for this little guy. Does anyone know of any websites or books or videos or anything that can give me any pointers?
My Golden/Chow mix bucked like a bronco when I tried to bathe him but he was always good for the groomers. We finally got a "do it yourself" grooming place where you can bathe your own dog, using their equipment, etc. They have waist-high tubs with stairs for the dogs to ascend! They also have tethers at both ends of the tub so I was able to put one around his neck and one around his waist. He NEVER even tried to move with those loose tethers on. He was such a good man and I miss him sooo much. Don't know what I'd do without Buster helping me to move on.
OH MY GOODNESS-sounds like you have a puppy like my Hope was/and still is @almost a yr. Forgive this comment but 'she was a puppy from hell'-sent her to Northfleet Obedience School for an onsite 5week training program. She came home much better but still is a little ""IMP"". BUT I do keep getting these awesome reinforcements they get better in the behavior mode and make wonderful companions.
When and 'if' summer arrives you should ring me & we could have a Doodle PLay Day-I have a couple of other friends in the area with the lil darlings-they would have so much fun. Also, there is a group in Portland called Doodle Romps and, it is under groups I believe and has been the first Sunday every month but @Fidos. Not sure about May! It is on for tomorrow if you are interested. Look up Fidos for info.
Doodle Hugs,
Sharee & Hope
This sounds just like my Baylee who is 14 weeks old. It is a two man job between my husband and I. He feeds her a Milk Bone or bully stick, while I quickly brush her. It works okay but I know her coat is going to require more attention and longer comb outs when she is older so I hope this gets better!
She will also let us clip her nails using the same method, which I'm happy about. We just keep doing it (brushing) every night and hopefully it will get better.
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