Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Strongly considering giving Rooney his first trim- Crazy? Tips? Advice?

Rooney is five months old and is not yet going through any sort of coat change that I can detect. His coat is a wavy fleece and he is very calm about being brushed and handled. He doesn't need his face, belly or paws trimmed right now because our wonderful pet nanny (who is a former dog groomer) took care of that when he stayed with her while we were on vacation. So, basically, I'm just considering giving his body his first trim.

He is not at all matted and, as I said, is fine getting bathed and brushed. I just think he is due to have about an inch taken off of his fluffy coat and I'd love to be able to just keep him home and do it myself. I have watched many, many videos online showing how to groom properly and have read everything I could find here at DK. Since it is only his body that needs to be trimmed, I'm thinking I would just use scissors which for whatever reason feel less daunting to me than clippers. I feel oddly confident that I could do this. Is that crazy? I mean, we've already established that I'm crazy (if you've read my blogs), but is this taking crazy to new heights?

My family is going to stage that puppy intervention yet... Let's keep this quiet, shall we? ;)

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Sounds very intriguing! I wonder what Rooney would think of the sound? He's not terribly sound sensitive, so I'm sure I could get him used to it. Although, I'd need a tutorial... :)

I groom both of my with a clipper that has a guard one it.  I start at the back of the neck and do down to the tail until the body is uniform.  Then  down the shoulders to the elbows, one or two passes down the legs  I clip the ears and face with the sissors and shape the tail with the scissors.  The dogs stand on the kitchen counter or on a talbe, so i can manage tem.It takes very little tie.  Fhe boyd is about one inch long and feels soft.  It is muh easier that getting them to a groomer and then worry if they are going to shave them down.  Good luck.



Linda- Which clipper and guard do you use? I'm starting to research clippers because I'd like to be able to give that a try at some point, but am very overwhelmed by the different brands, speeds, prices, etc... Hard for me to know what I need to just groom my one dog every couple of months. Any advice would be welcome!



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