Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I finally worked up the nerve to clipper cut Quincy. It took a lot longer to do than I expected because I had trouble getting through his coat. I should have scissor cut him first. I used the 1 1/4 comb attachment on his body and the 7/8 on his legs. I tried with the #10 blade but had to change to a #40 and after putting the comb attachment back on the clippers a million times when it kept popping off this is the result. This is as short as I want to go. I was afraid to use the clippers because I thought he might be too short, but I really like this length and all I have to do is run the clippers over him every couple of weeks, which now takes no time at all. I think I still need to trim his head a little closer and maybe take his legs a little shorter next time but overall I am happy with the result.


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Rooney looks doodley-handsome!  I love the coloring he has.
Quincy you look cute and cuddly as always.  Donna you did a great job, I like the shaggy look too.  Clover needs a summer cut, but I think someone borrowed my scissors and I'm afraid to start without them.
Quincy looks great!
Quincy looks so great. You did an amazing job!
Quincy looks great. Nice grooming job!
Thanks everyone for the compliments, I have to confess it was with a lot of trepidation that I used the clippers.
He looks wonderful, fabulous, cute and doodlicious!!!!!

He looks fantastic!


I think Quincy looks great! In fact, I took these pics to the groomer for my doodle's first warm weather groom. I think Lumen's fur may have been left a little longer though.
Lumen looks great, I think his head is cut shorter than Quincy's but I am always a little conservative when doing his head and face. I used a 1 1/4 in attachment on the clipper when I did Quincy, now all I have to do for the summer is run the clippers over him every couple of weeks. Our weather doesn't get really hot so this is as short as I will go.



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