I have taken Allie to the same groomer since we have had her (Sept. 2008). Each time we go they make her look more and more poodle. My husband dropped her off yesterday to get groomed with my instructions including a picture of how they have groomed her before. The instructions were very basic and I would think they were very easy to understand. Do not round her head to look like a poodle. It's like they did it even more this time to spite me! I don't know what else to do. I guess I will have to take her to a new place - it's just that this place was very convenient for me. If any of you have suggestions as to what to tell the next person, it would be very much appreciated. I would like the top of her head to look like the attached picture (hopefully it attaches right). Is that too hard to do?
I still haven't taken Beckett to the groomers yet. I'm so afraid of how he'll look when he's done. I LOVE his "tossled" look. I've read so many stories here. He really is getting to need a trim, badly. I don't want his face shaved. I think I'll just have to take a chance and bring him to one. But I'll make sure to bring a picture. Hopefully that will help the groomer. Any other suggestiuons on what to tell the groomer would be great.