Chapter Two discusses the clicker training philosophy on positive reinforcement-only focused training vs. training that uses corrections.
Anyone have any experiences they'd like to share? Please share your thoughts on this chapter here.
On a side note, while we may agree or disagree on the value/use of corrections, since this group's members are striving to learn this particular method we are studying, any solutions we come up with to help each other will need to be positive/clicker based.
I am so glad you posted this today, I thought I was WAY behind :( I am actually a really slow reader, but felt good to see this post.
I will have to say that in the past, I have used both positive and negative reinforcement with our other dogs. I am really excited about trying this method with Bear. He really likes to be reinforced positively and LOVES getting the treats.
Adina I am unable to open my ebook. I updated my adobe reader today. I'm thinking that might be the problem. How do I download it again??? I want to catch up with the group.
You will get a response but remember they are in Norway so with the 8 hour time difference AND how busy they probably are it may take a couple of days.
OK so I've back tracked to focus on the chapter we're supposed to. Having done the 7 day intro course, I kinda skimmed the first several chapters of the complete book and also went to the training lessons to keep up with some momentum I thought we were building with specific exercises. Are we doing a chapter a day? Are we also training specific behaviors? I have also found that if I rushed-I confused the dogs (shot too high)-duh. But anyway, about Chapter 2. In the example of the 2 trainers at dinner; the door greeting discussion; was the turn away until the dog had feet on the floor and then greet, considered positive? That's what we have always done with Ziggy. It has been somewhat effective, though we still have to have guests instructed to do this as he tests anyone new. He never greets family with jumping, but almost always guests. Will clicker training help us reinforce polite greetings with better generalization? Lisa
You can go as fast or slow as you like, but I'll be posting 1 chapter per week for discussion. That's because not everyone did the 7 day mini course which was only a 'taste' of what's to come. We are now starting from scratch as if we didn't do that, but you are welcome to wiz through if you prefer =)
In later chapters it will go into training specific behaviors. But first the goal is for all to have a good understanding of WHY they will train this way and HOW TO do it.
Yes, removal of attention is still considered positive.
And yes we'll be able to figure out a way to teach polite on polite greetings with strangers and practicing it.
While reading this chapter I felt guilty for the times that Samantha has gotten a negative reinforcement (it really has been VERY easy to train her, I dont't know how we got so lucky but we are). I am sure it was for not walking nicely and pulling me off my feet & the 'keep the stick away from Mom' game she has decided is her new favorite. I am keeping treats in a pocket and when she decided to play it today I showed her the treat, told her to 'drop it' and when she did tossed the treat. Success!! I am now very much aware of how my tone affects her. It reminded me that she IS a dog which I seem to forget most of the time.
The description of the thoughts of the dog working in a competition (why should I bother....) really hit home. If we humans could just remember that you get much further in life with just a little bit of sugar and none of the vinegar then the world would be a much nicer place to live.
So Miss Samantha is having such a good time while Mom figures out what the most effective reinforcer is in our world. She has already figured out the the click means an edible treat but I am trying to mix it up and use her ball (she is ball obsessed) as a reinforcer but she isn't having any of it - yet. Persistence!!!! Jusgt a few days and already she is a treat 'snob'! LOL!!!
This training has been an eye opener for me and we are having fun!
Adina - you did great!! THANK YOU!
I'm glad you are enjoying it Adrianne! But remember to teach stuff WITHOUT a treat lure when possible...or at least FADE the lure ASAP so Samantha doesn't depend on seeing a treat to 'drop it' -- work on it lots outside of the heat of the moment with lots of valuable things and practice in the yard too. But don't depend on the treat as a 'bribe'.
LOL--well training that uses corrections can definitely be done wrong. But judging by Samantha's wonderfulness and love for you, and your love for her...I just don't think you probably did anything with any real harm =)