Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Since we have such a group of loving people I thought  it would be good to continue to get to know each other better, I am not saying people with sickness have it rougher then other people, I just thought to get insight into our day, we can share what it is like for us on an average day. For the Nancy and Nancie that are honorary members, join in the fun, I bet your life is just as crazy as ours.


I am sharing this at the risk of people thinking that I am looking for sympathy, I am not, I am so happy with my life. I am very happy with my Jack Daniels, you guys I am sure can relate to having something mean so much to you, someone to love you unconditionally etc.


I have been sick my whole life, when I was 29 I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and also Addison's disease,  which I am sure you never heard of, you can google it, I think it is safe to google CF and no funny stuff will come up. Recently they have questioned that diagnoses and that is why I am going to Jewish National.


Before this past Thanksgiving I lead a relatively decent quality of life, my health had deteriorated enough that I had to stop working full time and even part time, but I still got to work once in a while as nurse, usually one to two days a week. It was my pride and joy, I worked very hard to become a nurse and I was not for one day off of IV antibiotics the entire time I was in nursing school. I have a port that I had accessed and I would run my IV's while I sat in class. So given the fact I graduated the top of my class and received a full scholarship to continue my schooling, stinks that I can't use it right now.


Anyway, since being on life support for the million and two times on Thanksgiving, I have deteriorated and not bounced back like I usually do. I can not lay down flat or my lungs will bleed, We don't know why yet, I sleep in a recliner and Jack sleeps on my lap. We wake up and I pray for a decent day. I always am greeted with Jacks kisses on my face and his ubber excitement in going potty.


Right now, I don't do to much, I watch a lot of tv and way over post here on DK. Sometimes Jack and I get out for a bit. I have amazing friends and family that have been a life saver to me. I just started being able to walk about a half mile a day.. Wahoo for me. I take over 15 pills a day and do about two hours of breathing treatments a day. Jack my little man stays by my side the whole time, Then we have some play time. One of my favorite things to do is be around people, so sometimes we have neighbors over to have coffee, or we go over there. Mostly lately, and hopefully soon to change I spend a great deal of time, trying to breathe and going to doctors appointments.


I enjoy every single day, or I try to, in the words of a man I loved very dearly, that passed away after he got his lung transplant, "any day on this side of the dirt is a good one"


With that said and to leave on a positive note, Jack has filled my heart with an unspeakable joy, God sure knew what he was doing when he brought me Jack. Jack was partially gifted to me, as one of the doctors I used to see, is a huge golden doodle addict with a heart of gold and when I had to stop working, she helped sponsor Jack for me. We are no longer in contact, but I will forever be grateful for Jack.


Jack also brought my mom and I so close together, we always loved each other but now we are so close, she has been with me every step of the way with Jack, she even buys me mothers day presents from Jack..


My life is good, very, very good, and if being sick has taught me the Grace of God and allowed me to see the genuine kindness of most humans, well I would still give the sickness back but keep Jack LOL but since I can't... I am grateful for being able to learn the true value of life.Life can be fun, it just depends on how you look at it.


One of my favorite stories to tell of how you can turn something not fun around for fun is, One day I was walking in the mall with my BF. She is amazing, I always cough, always, always., always but sometimes I get into a fit... and of course that makes people stare at me, which embarrasses the crud out of me.. So while people are staring, she loudly announced, Geeze Jen, Maybe you should start taking the medication for the TB the doctors said you had!!! I did pee myself from laughing so hard.. See what I mean, it is all about having great people in your life to help you see things differently, I hope that is what we can achieve here


What is your story?

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Jennifer, it takes courage to meet every day when so many are not fun, but with the motto of waking up on this side of the dirt, I am sure that you make every day count. That special bond you have with Jack is exactly what my mother has with her aging Westie.  They are so in tune with each other, it is amazing and very, very special. I am so glad that you have that as well as a wonderful mom to support you through the  roughest times.  How is Jack doing?

Love your motto it couldn't be described any better.  I have a BF just like yours.  It's nice to have someone that can make just about any situation funny.  For me being diagnosis with fibromyalgia gave a name to what I was going through.  Most people just thought I was faking it or trying to get attention.  Sometimes my DH still has a hard time with it.  Saying things like you'll feel better once you get outside or go for a walk it will help.  There's days it hurts just to feel my clothes against my skin.  The unconditional love our furry friends give makes the days so much easier.  They comfort me when I cry, listen to the good/bad, never judgemental and always want to be around me.  I'm glad to hear Jack can be at the hospital with you.  It sounds like he is very comforting for you and vice versa.  I look forward to getting to know you and everyone else.  Keeping you and Jack in my prayers



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