My F2b, Rigby, is now 4 months old. He's so very smart and in his second week of puppy class. He's constantly growing and changing. He has a beautiful coat. He travels everywhere with us. He loves everyone and loves to meet people and dogs. He hasn't gotten in too much trouble, but my hubby is home with him all the time. We got the biggest reddest male of the litter.
Rigby weights:
8 weeks - 12 lbs
9 weeks - 14 lbs
10 weeks - 17lbs
11 weeks.- 19.5lbs
12 weeks - 21 lbs 17 in high at shoulder.
13 weeks- 22.6lbs
16 weeks - 30 lbs
Ava's mom, I actually posted this info for you. I'm not sure what his adult coat will look like. He's getting curlier as he gets older. We wanted an in between coat, not too curly or straight. The breeder said it would be, but I have my doubts. We are happy with him anyway. He was so easy to house train and was sleeping with us at 11 weeks. Then he slept through the night. His coat was shaggy and dull the first week or two we had him, but then we switched to Orijen and now he's on Now fresh grain free puppy food and his coat is beautiful. I see some shaggy/wavy hair coming in on his legs and head, so we might get the coat we wanted yet, but we like I said, my hubby loves his coat as it is. He doesn't seem to she'd much and so far this coat he has now seems pretty tangle free and easy to manage.