Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all,


My neighbor has a cocker spaniel with very strong odor despite having bathed just a day before.  She scratches her ears, neck and legs constantly, chews on her paws and her tongue is cracked and has white stuff on it.  And she has had a few episodes of UTI.  I read up a little more on Canine Systemic Yeast Infection, and looks like she has a few of the symptoms.   I have suggested to my neighbor to bring her to the vet, but he doesn't seem keen, may be due to the cost. I wonder if anyone of you have effective home remedies (or preventives) to treat this condition.





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It really sounds like this dog needs to go to the vet. Even if there is some home remedy that could help some of these symptoms, you would have to know first exactly what the problem is, and this is quite an impressive collection of symptoms which could be related to any number of things.
If there is truly any kind of infection going on, that has to be treated with antibiotics or medication in one form or another. And your description of the cracked, white tongue concerns me. The dog could be anemic from a flea infestation, flea bite allergies, or some other illness, or the dog may be dehydrated, especially if there is a history of urinary tract infections. A systemic yeast infection could also be the case. All of these require diagnosis and treatment by a vet.
It must be very hard for you to see this poor dog suffering and be helpless to do anything for her. It's upsetting to me, and I am only hearing about it through your post. It's a shame that people would allow a dog to suffer rather than pay for a vet visit. You are very kind to want to help this dog, it seems you care more about her than her owner does. :(
When I've read about this in people it is usually very sketchy at best. In fact, years ago, one local internist was convicted or lost her license for using very expensive treatments for this "illness" on patients who did not have this condition When I went to look up systemic yeast infections in dogs, the first page of site was full of references by natural health people etc. I didn't search too far but I suspect this is a nonexistent condition, at least in a basically healthy appearing dog. She may have yeast infections in her ears, and mouth, and/or allergies. I think this condition is a lot of hooey, sorry. That said, sounds like a visit to a vet is a very good idea.
I thought it was a reference to Malassezia. No?
Not sure, didn't see Malasessia in the post. But Malasessia furfur, love the name, is a yeast that causes a skin infection in people called Tinea versicolor. Don't know of a systemic infection from this either but too tired to look it up. Usually, when people refer systemic yeast infections they are referring to Candida.
I always run across references to Malassezia when I'm reading about other canine skin diseases & allergy issues. I just assumed that's what Julie meant. It starts out localized but apparently can become generalized, and does cause an odor. Here's a link:
From the article:
" Itchy skin is almost always present with these infections. Because of the scratching, the dog may further traumatize the skin. The yeast may be localized on the ear, muzzle, toes, anal area, or may be generalized, covering most of the body. Dogs with the generalized form will often have an offensive, greasy smell and may suffer from oily, scaly skin. Dogs with localized muzzle infections may rub their face or have episodes of intensely scratching their face. Dogs with infections on their toes may lick their feet constantly. Hair loss, redness, hyperpigmentation (blackening of the skin), and thickening of the skin may also be present."
Well it sounds gross but a generalized skin infection is not a systemic infection. Yeast infections do cause odors and I'd think you could also get secondary bacterial infections. The word systemic implies that internal structures and organs are infected. I don't know what she meant but the phrase systemic yeast infection is something other than what you're describing.
Some of the less- than- scientific sites do refer to Malassezia as a "systemic yeast infection", I think that's where people get confused. I wouldn't have known the difference between a systemic skin infection and a generalized skin infection, either.
Thanks for the responses. I am also not too sure what it is, the first thing that came to my mind was it must be some kind of yeast infection because of the offensive odor. But as I researched/read up more, she seems to have a few other symptoms associated with Systemic Yeast Infection (recurring UTI).

Anyway I have good news - after reading your responses, I sent a couple more text messages to my neighbor (he probably regrets having me to pet sit for the past week). He finally replied saying that he will bring her in to see the vet. Yay!! Thanks for your help!
Let us know the results, please.



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