Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a constant battle with Katie's ears. They get yeasty and red and itchy. We have treated over and over again with mometamax (sometimes called mometavet.) Antifungal, antibiotic, and steroid. It works, but no matter how much I try to keep them clean or try not to mess with them it feels like a losing battle. Very frequent recurrence. I'm kind of at a loss and the vet hasn't suggested anything else. Her ears aren't horrible, but they're not great either. 

I just read this article from Whole Dog Journal. They recommend putting a little boric acid in the ears and then filling the ear canal with Pellitol and leaving it untouched for a week.  That just sounds wrong to me, but I wondered if this was something that sounded like valuable information at all. 

I feel like there has to be a better solution than just medicating her ears all the time, or even a better medication. But I have no idea what it is.

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I agree, but sometimes you are dealing with fosters who are responsible for taking care of a dog who doesn't belong to them, and they know me from Adam, as opposed to a vet they like and trust, and they are afraid of doing the wrong thing. 

That's a good point. I do not like veterinary chains. There might be some good Banfields, but I think there are more bad Banfields. I think they are too corporate.

They are awful. Owned by Mars, Inc. Need I say more. 

My vet does the sniff test as well never a culture?  

I can't understand that. How can you tell one bacterial strain from another by sniffing? It is common for there to be yeast and bacteria at the same time. So a yeasty smell tells you nothing. 

Oh, some of those bacteria can be sniffed out. Pseudo is a smell you don't forget. I'm not saying it's a lab test, but this nose can sniff out rotavirus and c-diff too. I wish I didn't know that.


Foster fail that never made it past me! She came to us very sick (giardia) and then got my two girls horrible sick especially poor Josie but different parasite? That's when you gave us the probiotic info. We are all better except for the darn ears. Double in weight since we got her at 9 weeks, Craigslist puppy and I think the owners before us got her closer to 7 weeks if their dates are correct, She's a keeper and her and Sassy are the sweetest to watch together.

Taken in the last 30 minutes, my daughter sent me this pic.

She is adorable! Keeper for sure!

Thanks, she's been a blessing since moms passing.

She's precious! Did I miss her name? 



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