At Jackdoodle's annual check-up yesterday, the vet had me read some printed material that the office has started to present to all their clients about an increase in incidents of leptospirosis among their patients in the past year. Evidently, where they rarely saw a case from year to year among suburban house dogs (the majority of their patients), they have now seen 6 cases in the past few months, all house pets like Maltese & Bichon Frises who are not out hunting or swimming in rivers. Due to the extremely serious nature of the disease, they are recommending that all dogs that spend any time at all outdoors, even just neighborhood walks or the backyard, get the shots, although in JD's case, they want me to ask his specialist. I know that in the past there has been controversy about the lepto vaccine due to many possibly severe side-effects, but my vet tells me that there is a newer vaccine out that is much safer.
Jackdoodle does love to visit the forest preserves, and we are hoping to resume doing that if he can tolerate it...his immunotherapy shots start tomorrow, we are very hopeful! Last spring, he did lie down in a big mud puddle in the woods and started drinking the water! The first thing that came into my mind was lepto, although he was fine. I will ask the specialist's opinion, but I am wondering if any of you here have vaccinated for leptospirosis, or if your vets are recommending it? Thanks for any input.
PS I should also mention that lepto is a zoonotic disease that can spread to humans.