Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sadie is 3 yrs old now. The groomer found a lump on her side the other day. It's soft and it will move but it's as big as a half dollar! I'm thinking it's just a cyst because it moves, but taking her to the vet tomorrow. She had a cyst on her tail when she was a puppy. Anyone else have this with their doodle?

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Lipomas (benign fatty tumors) are very common. Jack has several and there are many other doodles here who have or have had them. They do have to be checked and needle aspirated to be sure that's what it is. 

I have two mini goldendoodles who also have lumps on their bodies. Bella has a big lump (the size of a tennis ball) on her tail and Toby has a lump under his armpit and another one near his stomach. All of these lumps have been biopsied and diagnosed as lipomas (benign fatty tissue tumors). According to my vet, lipomas generally are soft and movable.  

My now 8 year old Goldendoodle got a lump on his side at around 1 1/2 years. It was the size of an egg. Now it's the size of a large grapefruit. The vet checks it every few years. It's a fatty tumor. He has several small ones as he is getting older. His half brother has none. I hope all is well with your pup.

I discovered a lump on Paz's side  a few weeks ago, and was very frightened.  I took him to the vet who aspirated it and said it was a benign fatty tumor, and that he would probably develop more.  He said it's very common and I was so relieved when he assured me it was nothing to worry about.

Finn had a small hard lump on his spine and I was scared.  The vet biopsied it and it  turned out to be a benign cyst. Lipomas are pretty common as well. Hope all's well.



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