Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Beckett is at the vets tonight.(spending the night) He had been sick on Tuesday...not eating ,very lethargic. We took him to the vet. She couldn't find anything wrong and said to watch him for 24 hrs.He gradually was getting better everyday. Yesterday he seemed 100 percent better. Was eating, playing etc. Then this morning it started all over again! lethargic, not eating. Took him to vet again this afternoon. They're doing blood work, urinalysis, etc. She thought it might be Lyme dis. because his symptoms were intermittent but the blood work ruled that out. But meningitis can be intermittent too.But she said that's rare but she has seen it. She wants to rule out other things first cause to test for meningitis they have to put him under and do a spinal tap. She said his neck was sore when she examined him. It also could just be a neck injury. I don't know how that could've happened though!! We thought it was a stomach bug or something cause he wasn't eating and then got better but now it's back. I'm so nervous. I'm beside myself. I'm so worried for him. I just want him diagnosed and back home!! Has anyone else's dog ever had meningitis or something like this? I was in tears when we left him there. I hope this is all making sense.

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Hi Jackie,
Sorry to hear about Beckett, never had any problems with meningitis with any of our dogs, but understand how you fell leaving him there, are you sure he didn't get into any type of posion, plants, fruits like grapes or raisins, but that probably wouldnt come and go. Will keep you both in our prayers, and please keep all posted on how Beckett is doing...God Bless..Lots of Love....Denise HannahNHoney
Oh poor Beckett! I'm so sorry...I've never heard of dogs getting meningitis. I'll be thinking of you and Beckett and look forward to good news updates.
I went online to research it. But the symptoms they site, he never had! I'm so worried. Can't wait till tomorrow! I really don't think that is what he has but I'm so nervous now that she mentioned it.No we're sure he didn't get into anything. Thanks for the thoughts. I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Gosh I am so sorry to hear about Beckett!! One of my girls was off this week,,, then she threw up and I found something black and furry amongst her wingtips. SO apparently mouse does not agree with one of my dogs. I added soem dairy to her diet and after a little diarhea she seems to be much better. Spring seems to bring out all sorts of things.
Jackie, I am so sorry that Beckett is not feeling well. When they are trying to figure things out, they may say what they are ruling out or what they think it might be. Sometimes that can be very worrisome to hear. Our Lexie was ill when she was young and we took her from one vet to another, then finally to a hospital which was hours from home because
they either didn't know what was wrong or gave us some diagnoses that scared us. Two places wanted to do exploratory surgery. The last place didn't. She didn't need surgery after all. We were pretty scared and leaving her was very hard. I hope that you have some answers real soon and all is well. Please keep us up to date. Take care, Lisa and Lexie
Jackie, I'm so sorry to hear that Beckett is sick. I know how scary it is when there's something wrong your baby and you don't know what it is. I hope it turns out not to be anything serious and Beckett will soon be back to normal. Hugs to you both.
Oh, I am so sorry about Beckett!! It must be really scary for you.....
I hope the doctors will find out what is wrong very soon, and get him back on his feet.
My prayer for you and Beckett.....
Thank you all for your prayers and concern. The vet called this morning saying his white blood count was high and they wanted to do the spinal tap because they know it's some kind of infection and they're still thinking meningitis. She said it's probably Steroidal meningitis, if that's what he has. She said it can reoccur though for awhile but most times they do outgrow it. I want it to be done and over with. I'm scared of the dx. she thinks it is but at least it'll be something we know and treat. I'm hoping it's some minor infection and can treat it with antibiotics. She just called me back to say that they did the tap and he came thru it fine. They also drew some fluid they saw on his 2 back ankle joints! She said it was just a precaution and he was already under so they went ahead with taht too. She doesn't think it's anything to worry about. But I am! I'm so nervous about all this. They have to send out the fluid to a lab. And with it being the weekend, they might not get the results till Monday. But he should be able to go home tomorrow. Either with a dx. and meds., or with pain meds until they get the lab work back. She said we'll have to keep him quiet...don't know how we'll do that ?..any suggestions? But we can go over tonight at 5 to visit him. I can't wait! I'm bringing some of his food to try to get him to eat because he still hasn't eaten much there. He's on IV fluids. Thank you all again. I'll let you know when they give us a dx.
Sending prayers that Beckett will be fine, Jackie. Hang in there and try to be calm, your guy will know if you're stressed when you visit him. Give him a kiss for JD & me!
Thanks. We went and he looks pretty good. We gave him tons of kisses!!. I think we did a good job of trying to be calm, etc. for him but it was tough. Was whimpering..? if was because he's sore or just wanted us and to go home! No dx. yet but we "probably" will get to take him home tomorrow. Can't wait. Will let everyone know when we do get a Dx. Thanks again for all the good wishes and prayers.
Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. I left an update discussion on Beckett but he's on the road to recovery. When we went to pick him up on Sunday, the discharge doctor said she noticed a small lump on his neck. She wanted a surgeon to look at it Monday. We brought him in and they put him under and opened it,drained it, etc. They now think this was the whole problem. He's so much better today. .not eating a lot and also sleeping a lot but they said that's normal for a day or two. I'm upset he was put thru this but happy that doctor found the lump and he's on the mend. Thanks again.
Yipppeeeee!!!! Great news, thanks so much for updating us! You must be so relieved!



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