Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Doodle Friends, hoping you can help us out on behalf of Rippley. Sorry it's so long/detailed...
Tuesday was Rip's due Lyme vaccine and he hasn't had any reactions to any vaccine yet, but he seemed a bit tired and that was fine as I chalked it up to the vaccine...
Wednesday he still seemed a bit tired and only ate dinner all day (it's not that unusual for him to skip breakfast lately). Poops were normal, sleeping, drinking well and so I wasn't too concerned...
Thursday he had a play date where he didn't play much at all and then we took him to a park in the PM where he snagged some old chicken bone from someone's picnic left as trash! Aargh. I was able to retrieve some (but apparently not all) from his mouth (foreshadowing here...) :) But by evening my worry meter was full throttle as he refused meals - though he ate treats/drank - and was really tired.
Friday (this morning) we called the vet but he seems more energy, brighter. He ate maybe 1/4 cup kibble/yogurt breakfast. He is drinking and taking treats. Vet made appointment for 11:30 tomorrow in case... Then around 9:30 he pooped out about 2" of a skinny split chicken bone. He seemed more food interested - trolling the kitchen and happy to take a treat but not really his meal. The 1 o'clock poop was a bit mushy with lots of scooting going on (unusual). I'm hoping he won't turn to more mush or diarrhea now.
I can't figure out if it was vaccine related or nauseous/irritable stomach related. And why the mush poo now, when he seems to be acting better?
Thanks for any insights/advice. Best,

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My immediate concern would be that he didn't pass all of the chicken bone; if there's still some undigested bone in there, it could account for both the mushy poop, the scooting, and the lack of enthusiasm for his lunch. I'd have the vet do an Xray to be sure. A jagged piece of bone in his digestive tract could potentially be serious. I hope the Xray shows nothing, but I'd want to know for sure. 

Thanks, I will ask for the X-ray tomorrow. So do you think we have two separate issues here, then? The fatigue/reduced app related to post vaccine (can it last a few days?) then the fatigue/reduced but better appetite/mush poo due to chicken bone digestion? I'm hoping there is no infection brewing, but then I'm a worrier...
If there are bits of bone left in his tract, is there anything I can feed him to push 'em out? Piece of bread or something? He never eats people food so it would be weird, but I'm thinking fiber. I just gave him some sweet potato and I'm going to do bland diet for dinner (boiled chicken and swt pot) and see how that goes... Anything else you'd recommend? Thank you!

There really isn't anything you can do at this point to "push 'em out", if there's anything in there. And there may not be; it may have just upset his digestive system. I think the bland diet is a good idea for now.

I do think it's possible that you have two different issues, but there's no way to know for sure. He may have just been coming down with some kind of bug, but the timing, with the vaccination and the chicken bone seem a bit too coincidental. 

Well, not such a good follow up for our lovely pup. He has a hugely enlarged thymus gland. We left him at the emergency vet - I hate to even leave this boy at the groomer. His calcium was high (13.6) and he may get u/s tomorrow and needle biopsy on Monday. We are all very, very sad. I'm blown away. He is 16 months. I thought it was maybe an immune reaction to the vacc but first vet thought 90% chance lymphoma. I'm pretty shocked still but thought of you here cause you've been such a wonderful help to us and even though there may be nothing to say or do I know it is lucky to post here. Any thoughts/info/advice appreciated as always. Please wish us luck...

Cindy,  I have no advice to give but I do want you to know I will be keeping Rippley in my thoughts and I am sending lots of doodle hugs his way!!  Please keep us updated!

Oh Cindy. How hard this is for you. Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
Cindy, sending good wishes your way. I'm sure you're sick with worry.
Hoping for the best outcome possible. Huggs))))))))))

Oh Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear this. fingers and paws crossed that it's something that can be successfully treated. Sending lots of hugs and positive energy to you and to Rippley.

What sad news. I hope this turns out to be a false alarm or something easily treated. We all will be thinking of you.
No advice just keeping you in my thoughts and praying for positive news. Hard to fathom.
Thanks all for the positivity. I just keep thinking how we have done everything right by him - I researched all about caring for him, training, great quality food and treats from the start, always supervised, exercised, so well loved and cared for... we have done so right by him. And then this after only little more than a year? "Fathom" was a good word, Nick. And 'crazy.' There is nothing here on thymoma but if it turns out lymphoma I will try to contact other DKers about chemo, etc., I suppose... Thanks again, DK friends.
Our time has passed with our sweet boy - he had very aggressive lymphoma, an enormous tumor. We put him to sleep on Tuesday. He was the most wonderful, sweet boy. We take comfort in how conscientiously we cared for him and how we loved and appreciated him every day. We had 14 sweet months with the most amazing pup ever. Everyone loved him and remarked how good he was. He played with everyone, loved people and dogs, a friend to all. So well behaved, he never begged, always like a gentleman waited for me to enter the door first. What a lovely mush he was. He taught us to enjoy nature, feel the breeze, look at the birds, even the planes. Even in the bitter snow and ice he made me feel refreshed and grateful to appreciate nature. We will miss him always. Please hug your dogs extra for us. And thanks to all for being here for us with information, answers, help, words of comfort - always have been appreciated. Best,



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