Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was setting up food for this evening and Riley jumped on the counter, grabbed some, and gobbled it up before I had a chance to bend down. He ate a toothpick without chewing it, which has me worried, and I'm not sure what to do. Do I get him to vomit? Do I just watch him? I called our vet and they're closed.
Anyone have this happen? It seems worse than rawhide chipping.

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Yes, it's worse than a rawhide chip. It is indigestible, easily splintered, sharp, and could cause internal damage. It could cause damage on the way up too, which is why I'm not sure whether you should try to induce vomiting or not. 

I admit to being overly cautious at times, but if this was my puppy and I was sure he's swallow a toothpick, I'd be heading for the emergency vet clinic. 

sophie once ate a sharp piece of plastic. The vet said to feed her soft white bread slathered in vaseline. I fed her multiple vaseline and peanut butter sandwiches and she pooped it all out by the morning. the vaseline coats their gut and makes everything slide right out. the bread also provides soft coating around the tooth pick. I'd be worried too. Let us know how it goes.

... i should specify that you should call the ER vet and ask them first before trying this at home. I did it at my vet's direction...

I agree that it is a concern and you should at least call the emergency vet and ask them about it. I'm sure they have had prior experience with toothpick eating.  The closest thing we had happen was when Tara ate a Qtip. I called the ER (it was after hours) and they had her come in but once the vet heard what had happened she said it would pass-but it was paper not wood so....I think a call is in order.  I hope all is well and please let us know what you learn-we may need to know someday too!

A Qtip is also soft and rounded on the ends. 

But I agree, maybe calling the ER vet would be best before going in, if they can advise you of something to do at home. 

Unfortunately, the Q tip Tara ate had been cut in half and was pointed on one end. That was what concerned me most but it still turned out to be okay. TG

I called the clinic and they said we should give him white bread, and Karen, you are correct - they did not want us to give him anything to induce vomiting as it could cause damage. The reason they didn't think we should bring him over is the Vet said it was too early to take an x-Ray (I don't understand that).
We're to watch him for any bood in his stool, vomiting, etc., and if either happens, we'll need to bring him right away. By then they would be able to take an x-Ray to determine if it can pass.

I am SO upset, and I appreciate your responses. I was reluctant to call the clinic because the last time (and first) I did, my own Veterinarian said he would have told me something different. It was the right thing to do and thank you for encouraging me to make the call.

Well, this New Year's we'll be up way past the ball dropping - keeping our eyes peeled on Riley.

Happy Holidays everyone and I will check back in with updates.
Best of luck for a swift passage.

I'm glad you called; I hope the white bread does the trick and the toothpick passes without a problem. 

I'm glad you called and now have a plan.  I've learned over the years that I'd rather make the call and appear to be a neurotic doodle mom than not make it and end up with a dire outcome and regrets. Hopefully, Riley has some strong stomach acid and can soften the toothpick enough to pass through with no issues!  Happy Holidays to you too!

I am so glad you called.  Hugs for you and Riley.

I agree too.

I hope Riley passes it without problems.



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